Publikationen von S. Maier

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Maier, S.; Kratz, A. M.; Weber, J.; Prass, M.; Liu, F.; Clark, A. T.; Abed, R. M. M.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Eickhorst, T. et al.; Fiedler, S.; Pöschl, U.; Weber, B.: Water-driven microbial nitrogen transformations in biological soil crusts causing atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions. The ISME Journal 15 (2021)
Lang-Yona, N.; Maier, S.; Macholdt, D.; Müller-Germann, I.; Yordanova, P.; Rodriguez-Caballero, E.; Jochum, K. P.; Al-Amri, A.; Andreae, M. O.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J. et al.; Weber, B.: Insights into microbial involvement in desert varnish formation retrieved from metagenomic analysis. Environmental Microbiology Reports 10 (3), S. 264 - 271 (2018)
Maier, S.; Tamm, A.; Wu, D.; Caesar, J.; Grube, M.; Weber, B.: Photoautotrophic organisms control microbial abundance, diversity, and physiology in different types of biological soil crusts. The ISME Journal 12 (4), S. 1032 - 1046 (2018)
Weber, B.; Tamm, A.; Maier, S.; Rodriguez-Caballero, E.: Biological soil crusts of the Succulent Karoo: a review. African journal of range & forage science / Grassland Society of Southern Africa 35 (3/4), S. 335 - 350 (2018)
Williams, L.; Jung, P.; Zheng, L.-J.; Maier, S.; Peer, T.; Grube, M.; Weber, B.; Büdel, B.: Assessing recovery of biological soil crusts across a latitudinal gradient in Western Europe. Restoration ecology 26 (3), S. 543 - 554 (2018)
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