Publikationen von Dianming Wu

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Ermel, M.; Behrendt, T.; Oswald, R.; Derstroff, B.; Wu, D.; Hohlmann, S.; Stönner, C.; Pommerening-Roeser, A.; Koenneke, M.; Williams, J. et al.: Hydroxylamine released by nitrifying microorganisms is a precursor for HONO emission from drying soils. Scientific Reports 8, 1877 (2018)
Maier, S.; Tamm, A.; Wu, D.; Caesar, J.; Grube, M.; Weber, B.: Photoautotrophic organisms control microbial abundance, diversity, and physiology in different types of biological soil crusts. The ISME Journal 12 (4), S. 1032 - 1046 (2018)
Meusel, H.; Tamm, A.; Kuhn, U.; Wu, D.; Leifke, A.-L.; Fiedler, S.; Ruckteschler, N.; Yordanova, P.; Lang-Yona, N.; Pöhlker, M. L. et al.: Emission of nitrous acid from soil and biological soil crusts represents an important source of HONO in the remote atmosphere in Cyprus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (2), S. 799 - 813 (2018)
Wang, Y.; Li, X.; Dong, W.; Wu, D.; Hu, C.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Y.: Depth-dependent greenhouse gas production and consumption in an upland cropping system in northern China. Geoderma 319, S. 100 - 112 (2018)
Weber, B.; Wu, D.; Tamm, A.; Ruckteschler, N.; Rodríguez-Caballero, E.; Steinkamp, J.; Meusel, H.; Elbert, W.; Behrendt, T.; Sörgel, M. et al.: Biological soil crusts accelerate the nitrogen cycle through large NO and HONO emissions in drylands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (50), S. 15384 - 15389 (2015)
Wu, D.; Kampf, C. J.; Pöschl, U.; Oswald, R.; Cui, J.; Ermel, M.; Hu, C.; Trebs, I.; Sörgel, M.: Novel Tracer Method To Measure Isotopic Labeled Gas-Phase Nitrous Acid (HO15NO) in Biogeochemical Studies. Environmental Science and Technology 48 (14), S. 8021 - 8027 (2014)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Wu, D.: Surface Exchange of Reactive Nitrogen Compounds (HONO and N2O) between Soil and Atmosphere. Beijing, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph. D. thesis, 2015. Dissertation, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (2015)

Forschungspapier (2)

Bunk, R.; Yi, Z.; Behrendt, T.; Wu, D.; Andreae, M. O.; Kesselmeier, J.: Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) exchange between soils and the atmosphere affected by soil moisture and compensation points. Biogeosciences Discussions 15 (2018), 29 S.
Meusel, H.; Tamm, A.; Kuhn, U.; Wu, D.; Leifke, A.-L.; Fiedler , S.; Ruckteschler, N.; Yordanova, P.; Lang-Yona, N.; Lelieveld, J. et al.: Emission of nitrous acid from soil and biological soil crusts represents a dominant source of HONO in the remote atmosphere in Cyprus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)