Publications of Peter Fratzl

Journal Article (590)

Journal Article
Albéric, M.; Bertinetti, L.; Zou, Z.; Fratzl, P.; Habraken, W.; Politi, Y.: The crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate is kinetically governed by ion impurities and water. Advanced Science 5 (5), 1701000 (2018)
Journal Article
Albéric, M.; Caspi, E. N.; Bennet, M.; Ajili, W.; Nassif, N.; Azaïs, T.; Berner, A.; Fratzl, P.; Zolotoyabko, E.; Bertinetti, L. et al.; Politi, Y.: Interplay between calcite, amorphous calcium carbonate, and intracrystalline organics in sea urchin skeletal elements. Crystal Growth & Design 18 (4), pp. 2189 - 2201 (2018)
Journal Article
Albéric, M.; Gourrier, A.; Wagermaier, W.; Fratzl, P.; Reiche, I.: The three-dimensional arrangement of the mineralized collagen fibers in elephant ivory and its relation to mechanical and optical properties. Acta Biomaterialia 72, pp. 342 - 351 (2018)
Journal Article
Eder, M.; Shahrouz, A.; Fratzl, P.: Biological composites—complex structures for functional diversity. Science 362 (6414), pp. 543 - 547 (2018)
Journal Article
Hörth, R. M.; Kerschnitzki, M.; Aido, M.; Schmidt, I.; Burghammer, M.; Duda, G. N.; Fratzl, P.; Willie, B. M.; Wagermaier, W.: Correlations between nanostructure and micromechanical properties of healing bone. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 77, pp. 258 - 266 (2018)
Journal Article
Huss, J. C.; Schoeppler, V.; Merritt, D. J.; Best, C.; Maire, E.; Adrien, J.; Späker, O.; Janßen, N.; Gladisch, J.; Gierlinger, N. et al.; Miller, B. P.; Fratzl, P.; Eder, M.: Climate-dependent heat-triggered opening mechanism of Banksia seed pods. Advanced Science 5 (1), 1700572 (2018)
Journal Article
Huss, J. C.; Späker, O.; Gierlinger, N.; Merritt, D. J.; Miller, B. P.; Neinhuis, C.; Fratzl, P.; Eder, M.: Temperature-induced self-sealing capability of Banksia follicles. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15 (143), 20180190 (2018)
Journal Article
Jehle, F.; Fratzl, P.; Harrington, M. J.: Metal-tunable self-assembly of hierarchical structure in mussel-inspired peptide films. ACS Nano 12 (3), pp. 2160 - 2168 (2018)
Journal Article
Jensen, A. C. S.; Imberti, S.; Parker, S. F.; Schneck, E.; Politi, Y.; Fratzl, P.; Bertinetti, L.; Habraken, W. J. E. M.: Hydrogen bonding in amorphous calcium carbonate and molecular reorientation induced by dehydration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (6), pp. 3591 - 3598 (2018)
Journal Article
Jensen, A.; Rodriguez-Loureiro, I.; Habraken, W.; Fratzl, P.; Bertinetti, L.: Mobility of hydrous species in amorphous calcium/magnesium carbonates. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (29), pp. 19682 - 19688 (2018)
Journal Article
Kelly, S. J. R.; Weinkamer, R.; Bertinetti, L.; Edmonds, R. L.; Sizeland, K. H.; Wells, H. C.; Fratzl, P.; Haverkamp, R. G.: Data on collagen structures in leather with varying moisture contents from small angle X-ray scattering and three point bend testing. Data in Brief 21, pp. 1220 - 1226 (2018)
Journal Article
Kollmannsberger, P.; Bidan, C. M.; Dunlop, J. W. C.; Fratzl, P.; Vogel, V.: Tensile forces drive a reversible fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition during tissue growth in engineered clefts. Science Advances 4 (1), eaao4881 (2018)
Journal Article
Kunitake, J. A.M.R.; Choi, S.; Nguyen, K. X.; Lee, M. M.; He, F.; Sudilovsky, D.; Morris, P. G.; Jochelson, M. S.; Hudis, C. A.; Muller, D. A. et al.; Fratzl, P.; Fischbach, C.; Masic, A.; Estroff, L. A.: Correlative imaging reveals physiochemical heterogeneity of microcalcifications in human breast carcinomas. Journal of Structural Biology 202 (1), pp. 25 - 34 (2018)
Journal Article
Pasche, D.; Horbelt, N.; Marin, F.; Motreuil, S.; Macías-Sánchez, E.; Falini, G.; Hwang, D. S.; Fratzl, P.; Harrington, M. J.: A new twist on sea silk: the peculiar protein ultrastructure of fan shell and pearl oyster byssus. Soft Matter 14 (27), pp. 5654 - 5664 (2018)
Journal Article
Trapaidze, A.; D'Antuono, M.; Fratzl, P.; Harrington, M. J.: Exploring mussel byssus fabrication with peptide-polymer hybrids: role of pH and metal coordination in self-assembly and mechanics of histidine-rich domains. European Polymer Journal 109, pp. 229 - 236 (2018)
Journal Article
Zou, Z.; Bertinetti, L.; Habraken, W.; Fratzl, P.: Reentrant phase transformation from crystalline ikaite to amorphous calcium carbonate. CrystEngComm 20 (21), pp. 2902 - 2906 (2018)
Journal Article
Zou, Z.; Polishchuk, I.; Bertinetti, L.; Pokroy, B.; Politi, Y.; Fratzl, P.; Habraken, W.: Additives influence the phase behavior of calcium carbonate solution by a cooperative ion-association process. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6 (3), pp. 449 - 457 (2018)
Journal Article
Albéric, M.; Dean, M. N.; Gourrier, A.; Wagermaier, W.; Dunlop, J. W. C.; Staude, A.; Fratzl, P.; Reiche, I.: Relation between the macroscopic pattern of elephant ivory and its three-dimensional micro-tubular network. PLoS One 12 (1), e0166671 (2017)
Journal Article
Barbetta, A.; Fratzl, P.; Zemb, T.; Bertinetti, L.: Impregnation and swelling of wood with salts: ion specific kinetics and thermodynamics effects. Advanced Materials Interfaces 4 (1), 1600437 (2017)
Journal Article
Bortel, E. L.; Langer, M.; Rack, A.; Forien, J.-B.; Duda, G. N.; Fratzl, P.; Zaslansky, P.: Combining coherent hard X-ray tomographies with phase retrieval to generate three-dimensional models of forming bone. Frontiers in Materials 4, 39 (2017)
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