Publications of P. Fratzl

Journal Article (590)

Journal Article
McKergow, M.; Gilberd, P.; Picton, D.; Ross, D.; Fratzl, P.; Blaschko, O.; Anderson, I.; Hagen, M.: Interatomic potentials and lattice distortions in PdD0.8*. Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie 146 (2), pp. 159 - 169 (1985)
Journal Article
Blaschko, O.; Fratzl, P.; Ernst, G.; Bernole, M.; Fujara, F.: Investigation of cluster growth in Al-Zn-Mg systems with analysis of time-scaling properties. Physical Review B 30 (11), pp. 6498 - 6503 (1984)
Journal Article
Krexner, G.; Ernst, G.; Fratzl, P.; Blaschko, O.; Clausen, C.: Scaling properties of the D-short range order in PdDx for higher D concentrations. Solid State Communications 51 (1), pp. 47 - 50 (1984)
Journal Article
Weinzierl, P.; Blaschko, O.; Ernst, G.; Fratzl, P.; Krexner, G.; Hilscher, G.: Influence of deuterium on the magnetic susceptibility and thermal expansion of the mixed valence compound CePd3. Atomkernenergie Kerntechnik 44 (4), pp. 291 - 292 (1984)
Journal Article
Blaschko, O.; Fratzl, P.: Experimental observation of a time-scaling characteristic in alloy decomposition in the AlZnMg system. Physical Review Letters 51 (4), pp. 288 - 291 (1983)
Journal Article
Blaschko, O.; Klemencic, R.; Fratzl, P.; Weinzierl, P.; Ernst, G.; Eder, O.; Kjems, J.: Deuterium short-range order in Pd0.975Ag0.025D0.685 by diffuse neutron scattering. Physical Review B 28 (6), pp. 3579 - 3581 (1983)
Journal Article
Fratzl, P.; Lebowitz, J.; Marro, J.; Kalos, M.: The interpretation of structure functions in quenched binary alloys. Acta Metallurgica 31 (11), pp. 1849 - 1860 (1983)
Journal Article
Blaschko, O.; Ernst, G.; Fratzl, P.; Bernole, M.; Auger, P.: A neutron scattering investigation of the early stages of guinier-preston zone formation in AlZnMg(Cu)-alloys. Acta Metallurgica 30 (2), pp. 547 - 552 (1982)
Journal Article
Blaschko, O.; Fratzl, P.; Klemencic, R.: Model for the structural changes occurring at low temperatures in PdDx. Physical Review B 24 (1), pp. 277 - 282 (1981)
Journal Article
Blaschko, O.; Fratzl, P.; Klemencic, R.: Model for the structural changes occurring at low temperatures in PdDx. II. Extension to lower concentrations. Physical Review B 24 (11), pp. 6486 - 6490 (1981)

Book (6)

Fratzl, P.; Friedman, M.; Krauthausen, K.; Schäffner, W. (Eds.): Active Materials. De Gruyter, Berlin (2022), VI, 372 pp.
Estrin, Y.; Bréchet, Y.; Dunlop, J.; Fratzl, P. (Eds.): Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham (2019), 452 pp.
Fratzl, P.; Jacobs, K.; Möller, M.; Scheibel, T.; Sternberg, K. (Eds.): Materialforschung: Impulsgeber Natur. Innovationspotenzial biologisch inspirierter Materialien und Werkstoffe. (2019)
Fratzl, P.; Dunlop, J. W. C.; Weinkamer, R. (Eds.): Materials design inspired by nature: function through inner architecture. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2013), 402 pp.
Clarke, D. R.; Fratzl, P. (Eds.): Materials science of biological systems. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto (2011), 448 pp.
Fratzl, P. (Ed.): Collagen: structure and mechanics. Springer US, New York (2008), 506 pp.

Book Chapter (40)

Book Chapter
Fratzl, P.; Sauer, C.: Biomaterials and design. In: Architecture of weaving, pp. 66 - 73 (Eds. Sauer, C.; Stoll, M.; Fransén Waldhör, E.; Schneider, M.). Jovis, Berlin (2022)
Book Chapter
Fratzl, P.; Schäffner, W.: On the activity of materials. In: Active materials, pp. 37 - 54 (Eds. Fratzl, P.; Friedman, M.; Krauthausen, K.; Schäffner, W.). De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2022)
Book Chapter
Mareis, C.; Schäffner, W.; Fratzl, P.; Bredekamp, H.: Afterword. In: Design, Gestaltung, Formatività: Philosophies of Making, pp. 369 - 373 (Ed. Ribault, P.). Birkhäuser, Berlin, Boston (2022)
Book Chapter
Fratzl, P.: Helmuth Möhwald: Nachruf. In: Almanach 2018: 168. Jahrgang, pp. 351 - 353. Verlag der Österreichischen Akadamie der Wissenschaften, Wien (2019)
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