Publications of P. Fratzl

Conference Paper (26)

Conference Paper
Fratzl, P.; Langmayr, F.: Coarsening of misfitting particles in bcc Ti-Mo: cross-over from ω to ɑ-phase precipitation. In: Proceedings of an International Conference on Solid - Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials, pp. 893 - 898. International Conference on Solid-to-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials (PTM 94), FARMINGTON, PA, July 17, 1994 - July 22, 1994. (1994)
Conference Paper
Yoshida, Y.; Fratzl, P.; Miekeley, W.; Vogl, G.: Anomalously fast diffusion of Fe in beta-ZrNb alloy. INTERNATIONAL CONF ON DIFFUSION IN METALS AND ALLOYS ( DIMETA 88 ), BALATONFURED, HUNGARY, September 05, 1988 - September 09, 1988. Defect and Diffusion Forum 66-69, pp. 353 - 358 (1991)

Meeting Abstract (44)

Meeting Abstract
Fratzl-Zelman, N.; Roschger, P.; Kang, H.; Jha, S.; Roschger, A.; Blouin, S.; Deng, Z.; Cabral, W. A.; Ivovic, A.; Katz, J. et al.; Siegel, R. M.; Klaushofer, K.; Fratzl, P.; Bhattacharyya, T.; Marini, J. C.: Somatic activating mutations in MAP2K1 cause melorheostosis with highly porous lesions covered by compact periosteal bone. In Ostelologie, 28 (1), p. 45 - 45. Thieme, Stuttgart (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Schemenz, V.; Gjardy, R. A.; Chamasemani, F. F.; Van Tol, A.; Roschger, P.; Fratzl, P.; Brunner, R.; Weinkamer, R.; Willie, B. M.; Wagermaier, W.: Correlations between the osteocyte network and its surrounding matrix in newly formed bone. In Calcified Tissue International, 104 (Suppl. 1), P122, p. S98. ECTS Congress 2019 : 46th European Calcified Tissue Society Congress, Budapest, May 11, 2019 - May 14, 2019. Springer-Verlag, New York (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Van Tol, A.; Schemenz, V.; Wagermaier, W.; Roschger, A.; Razi, H.; Vitienes, I.; Fratzl, P.; Willie, B.; Weinkamer, R.: Relationship between the fluid flow pattern through the lacunocanalicular network and adaptive mechano-response in mouse tibia. In Calcified Tissue International, 104 (Suppl. 1), P125, p. S48. ECTS 2019, Budapest, Hungary, May 11, 2019 - May 14, 2019. Springer-Verlag, New York (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Cipitria, A.; Paris, M.; Hettrich, I.; Goetz, A.; Bidan, C. M.; Dunlop, J. W.; Zizak, I.; Hutmacher, D. W.; Fratzl, P.; Wagermaier, W. et al.; Duda, G. N.: 3D Tissue Growth in vivo under Geometrical Constraints. In Tissue Engineering Part A, 21, p. S103 - S103. 4th TERMIS World Congress, Boston, MA, September 08, 2015 - September 11, 2015. Mary Ann Liebert, Larchmont, NY (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Harrington, M. J.; Degtyar, E.; Reinecke, A.; Schmidt, S.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Politi, Y.; Fratzl, P.: Enhancing soft matter mechanics via metal coordination: lessons from the mussel byssus. In Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 8 (Supplement s1), K39 (S 24/25), pp. 6 - 38. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Fix, D.; Puchegger, S.; Pilz-Allen, C.; Roschger, P.; Blouin, S.; Fratzl, P.; Weinkamer, R.: Functional mapping of bone on the micrometer-scale by scanning acoustic microscopy. In Bone, 50 (Suppl. 1), pp. S125 - S126. Elsevier, New York (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Fratzl-Zelman, N.; Roschger, P.; Schmidt, I.; Glorieux, F. H.; Klaushofer, K.; Fratzl, P.; Rauch, F.; Wagermaier, W.: Mineral particle size in children with dominant osteogenesis imperfecta is not associated with specific collagen mutation: A synchrotron X-ray scattering study. In Bone, 50 (Suppl. 1), p. S129 - S129. Elsevier, New York (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Omelon, S.; Dean, M. N.; Masic, A.; Georgiou, J.; Fratzl, P.: Evidence of polyphosphates and their distribution in active biological apatite mineralization sites of stingray jaws. In Bone, 50 (Suppl. 1), PP111, pp. S99 - S100. Elsevier, New York (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Kerschnitzki, M.; Wagermaier, W.; Roschger, P.; Seto, J.; Shahar, R.; Duda, G.; Mundlos, S.; Fratzl, P.: The organization of the osteocyte network in bone and potential mechanisms of passive mineral dissolution. In Bone, 48 (Suppl. Suppl. 2), p. S139 - S139. Elsevier, New York (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Kollmannsberger, P.; Lukas, C.; Roschger, P.; Fratzl, P.; Weinkamer, R.: The interplay between calcium homeostasis and bone mineralization - A computational approach. In Bone, 48 (Suppl. Suppl. 2), p. S181 - S181. Elsevier, New York (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Lukas, C.; Kollmannsberger, P.; Ruffoni, D.; Roschger, P.; Fratzl, P.; Weinkamer, R.: The effect of a disturbed mineralization process on the bone mineralization density distribution (BMDD). In Bone, 48 (Suppl. 2), pp. S181 - S182. Elsevier, New York (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Rumpler, M.; Wuerger, T.; Roschger, P.; Zwettler, E.; Peterlik, H.; Fratzl, P.; Klaushofer, K.: Microcracks and osteoclast resorption activity in vitro. In Bone, 48 (Suppl. 2), p. S134 - S134. Elsevier, New York (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Bidan, C.; Kommareddy, K.; Inderchand, M.; Rumpler, M.; Dunlop, J.; Fratzl, P.: Geometric control of three-dimensional tissue growth. In Tissue Engineering Part A, 17 (3-4), p. 565 - 565. BioStar 2010–Science in Exchange 4th Congress on Regenerative Biology and Medicine, Stuttgart, October 13, 2010 - October 15, 2010. Mary Ann Liebert, Larchmont, NY (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Kommareddy, K. P.; Lange, C.; Cui, J.; Boergermann, J.; Manjubala, I.; Rumpler, M.; Dunlop, J. W. C.; Karl, K.; Lendlein, A.; Knaus, P. et al.; Fratzl, P.: Three-dimensional tissue growth in polymer scaffolds with different stiffness and in-vitro influence of BMP-2 on tissue formation in hydroxyapatite scaffolds. In Tissue Engineering Part A, 17, OP 16 (D034), pp. 538 - 539. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Dunlop, J. W. C.; Gamsjäger, E.; Bidan, C.; Kommareddy, K. P.; Kollmannsberger, P.; Rumpler, M.; Fischer, F. D.; Fratzl, P.: The modelling of tissue growth in confined geometries, effect of surface tension. In 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, May 09, 2011 - May 12, 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Galvis, L.; Mehta, M.; Masic, A.; Dunlop, J. W. C.; Duda, G.; Fratzl, P.: Collagen Orientation During Early Stages of Bone Fracture Healing Investigated by Polarized Raman Imaging. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1267 (1), pp. 406 - 407. 22nd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Boston, MA, August 08, 2010 - August 13, 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Masic, A.; Harrington, M.; Waite, J. H.; Fratzl, P.: In-situ Raman Spectroscopic Imaging of a Mussel Coating and Adhesive. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1267, pp. 358 - 359. XXII International conference on Raman spectroscopy, Boston, MA, August 08, 2010 - August 10, 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Schütz, R.; Rabin, I.; Hahn, O.; Fratzl, P.; Masic, A.: In-situ Damage Assessment of Collagen within Ancient Manuscripts Written on Parchment: A Polarized Raman Spectroscopy Approach. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1267 (1), pp. 319 - 320. 22nd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Boston, MA, August 08, 2010 - August 13, 2010. (2010)
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