Publications of Paul D. Zander

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Zander, P. D.; Rubach, F.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Large-Volume Injection and Assessment of Reference Standards for n-Alkane δD and δ13C Analysis via Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 39, e9943 (2024)
Journal Article
Zander, P. D.; Rubach, F.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Large-Volume Injection and Assessment of Reference Standards for n-Alkane δD and δ13C Analysis via Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 39 (3), e9943 (2024)
Journal Article
Zander, P. D.; Zarczynski, M.; Tylmann, W.; Vogel, H.; Grosjean, M.: Subdecadal Holocene Warm-Season Temperature Variability in Central Europe Recorded by Biochemical Varves. Geophysical Research Letters 51 (22), e2024GL110871 (2024)
Journal Article
Zander, P. D.; Böhl, D.; Sirocko, F.; Auderset, A.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Reconstruction of warm-season temperatures in central Europe during the past 60 000 years from lacustrine branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs). Climate of the Past 20 (4), pp. 841 - 864 (2024)
Journal Article
Tu, L.; Moyle, M.; Boyle, J. F.; Zander, P. D.; Huang, T.; Meng, L.; Huang, C.; Zhou, X.; Grosjean, M.: Anthropogenic modification of phosphorus sequestration in lake sediments during the Holocene: A global perspective. Global and Planetary Change 229, 104222 (2023)

Poster (2)

Zander, P.; Sirocko, F.; Du, X.; Sun, C.; Rubach, F.; Britzius, S.; Haug, G.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Millennial-scale changes in hydroclimate during the last glacial period in central Europe reconstructed from leaf wax δD. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (2024)
Zander, P. D.; Böhl, D.; Sirocko, F.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Improved calibration of the GDGT paleothermometer in lake sediments and reconstruction of warm season temperatures in Europe during the past 60,000 years. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon (2023)

Preprint (1)

Zander, P. D.; Böhl, D.; Sirocko, F.; Auderset, A.; Haug, G.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Reconstruction of warm season temperatures in central Europe during the past 60,000 years from lacustrine GDGTs. (2023)
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