Publications of Maria Prass

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Prass, M.; Pöhlker, C.; Moran-Zuloaga, D.; Artaxo, P.; Gu, J.; Yang, N.; Yang, X.; Tao, J. et al.; Hong, J.; Ma, N.; Cheng, Y.; Su, H.; Andreae, M. O.: The export of African mineral dust across the Atlantic and its impact over the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (17), pp. 9993 - 10014 (2023)
Journal Article
Barbosa, C. G. G.; Taylor, P. E.; Sa, M. O.; Teixeira, P. R.; Souza, R. A. F.; Albrecht I, R.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Sebben, B.; Manzi, A. O.; Araujo, A. C. et al.; Prass, M.; Pöhlker, C.; Weber, B.; Andreae, M. O.; Godoi, R. H. M.: Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 5 (1), 73 (2022)
Journal Article
Kratz, A. M.; Maier, S.; Weber, J.; Kim, M.; Mele, G.; Gargiulo, L.; Leifke, A. L.; Prass, M.; Abed, R. M. M.; Cheng, Y. et al.; Su, H.; Pöschl, U.; Weber, B.: Reactive Nitrogen Hotspots Related to Microscale Heterogeneity in Biological Soil Crusts. Environmental Science & Technology 56 (16), pp. 11865 - 11877 (2022)
Journal Article
Artaxo, P.; Hansson, H.-C.; Andreae, M. O.; Bäck, J.; Gomes-Alves, E.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Bender, F.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Carbone, S.; Chi, J. et al.; Decesari, S.; Després, V. R.; Ditas, F.; Ezhova, E.; Fuzzi, S.; Hasselquist, N. J.; Heintzenberg, J.; Holanda, B. A.; Guenther, A.; Hakola, H.; Heikkinen, L.; Kerminen, V.-M.; Kontkanen, J.; Krejci, R.; Kulmala, M.; Lavrič, J. V.; de Leeuw, G.; Lehtipalo, K.; Machado, L. A. T.; McFiggans, G.; Franco, M. A. M.; Meller, B. B.; Morais, F. G.; Mohr, C.; Morgan, W.; Nilsson, M. B.; Peichl, M.; Petäjä, T.; Prass, M.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; Von Randow, C.; Riipinen, I.; Rinne, J.; Rizzo, L. V.; Rosenfeld, D.; Dias, M. A. F. S.; Sogacheva, L.; Stier, P.; Swietlicki, E.; Sörgel, M.; Tunved, P.; Virkkula, A.; Wang, J.; Weber, B.; Yáñez-Serrano, A. M.; Zieger, P.; Mikhailov, E.; Smith, J. N.; Kesselmeier, J.: Tropical and boreal forest – atmosphere interactions: a review. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 24 (1), pp. 24 - 163 (2022)
Journal Article
Prass, M.; Andreae, M. O.; de Araùjo, A. C.; Artaxo, P.; Ditas, F.; Elbert, W.; Franco, M. A.; Hrabe de Angelis, I.; Kesselmeier, J.; Klimach, T. et al.; Kremper, L. A.; Thines, E.; Walter, D.; Weber, J.; Weber, B.; Fuchs, B. M.; Pöschl, U.; Pöhlker, C.: Bioaerosols in the Amazon rain forest: Temporal variations and vertical profiles of Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. Biogeosciences 18 (17), pp. 4873 - 4887 (2021)
Journal Article
Kandler, K.; Schneiders, K.; Ebert, M.; Hartmann, M.; Weinbruch, S.; Prass, M.; Pöhlker, C.: Composition and mixing state of atmospheric aerosols determined by electron microscopy: method development and application to aged Saharan dust deposition in the Caribbean boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (18), pp. 13429 - 13455 (2018)
Journal Article
Artaxo, P.; Hansson, H.-C.; Andreae, M. O.; Bäck, J.; Alves, E. G.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Bender, F.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Carbone, S.; Chi, J. et al.; Decesari, S.; Després, V. R.; Ditas, F.; Ezhova, E.; Fuzzi, S.; Hasselquist, N. J.; Heintzenberg, J.; Holanda, B. A.; Guenther, A.; Hakola, H.; Heikkinen, L.; Kerminen, V.-M.; Kontkanen, J.; Krejci, R.; Kulmala, M.; Lavric, J.; de Leeuw, G.; Lehtipalo, K.; Machado, L. A. T.; McFiggans, G.; Franco, M. A. M.; Meller, B. B.; Morais, F. G.; Mohr, C.; Morgan, W.; Nilsson, M. B.; Peichl, M.; Petäjä, T.; Prass, M.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; Randow, C. V.; Riipinen, I.; Rinne, J.; Rizzo, L.; Rosenfeld, D.; Dias, M. A. S.; Sogacheva, L.; Stier, P.; Swietlicki, E.; Sörgel, M.; Tunved, P.; Virkkula, A.; Wang, J.; Weber, B.; Yanez-Serrano, A. M.; Zieger, P.; Mikhailov, E.; Smith, J. N.; Kesselmeier, J.: Tropical and Boreal Forest Atmosphere Interactions: A Review. Tellus B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 74, pp. 24 - 163 (2013)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Weber, B.; Maier, S.; Kratz, A. M.; Weber, J.; Kim, M.; Leiva, D.; Prass, M.; Liu, F.; Clark, A. T.; Abed, R. M.M. et al.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Eickhorst, T.; Fiedler, S.; Pöschl, U.: Nitrogen cycling in biological soil crusts; microbial transformation processes and atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions. In EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. (2022)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Prass, M.: Bioaerosols in the Amazon characterized by molecular- genetic staining techniques. Dissertation, Universität, Mainz (2022)

Preprint (2)

Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Prass, M.; Pöhlker, C.; Moran-Zuloaga, D.; Artaxo, P.; Gu, J.; Yang, N.; Yang, X.; Tao, J. et al.; Hong, J.; Ma, N.; Cheng, Y.; Su, H.; Andreae, M. O.: The export of African mineral dust across the Atlantic and its impact over the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 22 (2022)
Prass, M.; Andreae, M. O.; de Araùjo, A. C.; Artaxo, P.; Ditas, F.; Elbert, W.; Franco, M. A.; Hrabe de Angelis, I.; Kesselmeier, J.; Klimach, T. et al.; Kremper, L. A.; Thines, E.; Walter, D.; Weber, J.; Weber, B.; Fuchs, B. M.; Pöschl, U.; Pöhlker, C.: Bioaerosols in the Amazon rain forest: Temporal variations and vertical profiles of Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. Biogeosciences Discussions 18 (2021)
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