Publications of Maria Prass
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
23 (17), pp. 9993 - 10014 (2023)
The export of African mineral dust across the Atlantic and its impact over the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
Journal Article
5 (1), 73 (2022)
Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 3.
Journal Article
56 (16), pp. 11865 - 11877 (2022)
Reactive Nitrogen Hotspots Related to Microscale Heterogeneity in Biological Soil Crusts. Environmental Science & Technology 4.
Journal Article
24 (1), pp. 24 - 163 (2022)
Tropical and boreal forest – atmosphere interactions: a review. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 5.
Journal Article
18 (17), pp. 4873 - 4887 (2021)
Bioaerosols in the Amazon rain forest: Temporal variations and vertical profiles of Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. Biogeosciences 6.
Journal Article
18 (18), pp. 13429 - 13455 (2018)
Composition and mixing state of atmospheric aerosols determined by electron microscopy: method development and application to aged Saharan dust deposition in the Caribbean boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
Journal Article
74, pp. 24 - 163 (2013)
Tropical and Boreal Forest Atmosphere Interactions: A Review. Tellus B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Nitrogen cycling in biological soil crusts; microbial transformation processes and atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions. In EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. (2022)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Bioaerosols in the Amazon characterized by molecular- genetic staining techniques. Dissertation, Universität, Mainz (2022)
Preprint (2)
22 (2022)
The export of African mineral dust across the Atlantic and its impact over the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 11.
18 (2021)
Bioaerosols in the Amazon rain forest: Temporal variations and vertical profiles of Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. Biogeosciences Discussions