Publikationen von Z. Hosaynali-Beygi

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Adame, J. A.; Martínez, M.; Sorribas, M.; Hidalgo, P. J.; Harder, H.; Diesch, J.-M.; Drewnick, F.; Song, W.; Williams, J.; Sinha, V. et al.; Hernández-Ceballos, M. A.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Sander, R.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z.; Fischer, H.; Lelieveld, J.; De la Morena, B.: Meteorology during the DOMINO campaign and its connection with trace gases and aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (5), S. 2325 - 2342 (2014)
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