Publications of Helmut R. Brand
All genres
Journal Article (97)
Journal Article
109 (6), 064612 (2024)
Macroscopic dynamics of ferromagnetic smectic-A. Physical Review E 2.
Journal Article
159 (6), 064504 (2023)
External concentration gradients can drive a propagating wave in a coherently layered system of nanosheets. The Journal of Chemical Physics 3.
Journal Article
108 (5), 054502 (2023)
Macroscopic dynamics of superfluid 3He with a spatially modulated pair density wave. Physical Review B 4.
Journal Article
52 (3), 70 (2022)
A Two-Fluid Model for the Macroscopic Behavior of Nematic Fluids and Gels in a Chiral Solvent. Brazilian Journal of Physics 5.
Journal Article
45 (2), 17 (2022)
A two-fluid model for the macroscopic behavior of polar nematic fluids and gels in a nonchiral or a chiral solvent. European Physical Journal E 6.
Journal Article
156 (4), 044504 (2022)
Ferromagnetic nematics: A macroscopic two-fluid description. The Journal of Chemical Physics 7.
Journal Article
105 (17), 174508 (2022)
Macroscopic behavior of the P1(β) and P2(distorted β) phases of superfluid 3He: Soundlike excitations. Physical Review B 8.
Journal Article
103 (17), 174304 (2021)
Macroscopic behavior of materials composed of two elastic media. Physical Review B 9.
Journal Article
103 (1), 012705 (2021)
Two-fluid model for the breakdown of flow alignment in nematic liquid crystals. Physical Review E 10.
Journal Article
104 (4), 044705 (2021)
Two-fluid model for a fluid with tetrahedral-octupolar order. Physical Review E 11.
Journal Article
60, pp. 675 - 690 (2021)
A two-fluid model for the formation of clusters close to a continuous or almost continuous transition. Rheologica Acta 12.
Journal Article
102 (9), 094510 (2020)
Macroscopic behavior of the distorted A and B phases and the polar phase of superfluid ³He in an anisotropic aerogel. Physical Review B 13.
Journal Article
7 (2), pp. 1373 - 1395 (2020)
Symmetry aspects in the macroscopic dynamics of magnetorheological gels and general liquid crystalline magnetic elastomers. Physical Sciences Reviews 14.
Journal Article
101 (3), 032601 (2020)
Macroscopic two-fluid effects in magnetorheological fluids. Physical Review E 15.
Journal Article
42 (11), 142 (2019)
Cubic and tetragonal liquid crystal phases composed of non-chiral molecules: Chirality and macroscopic properties. European Physical Journal E 16.
Journal Article
42 (3), 35 (2019)
Influence of tetrahedral order on ferromagnetic gel phases. European Physical Journal E 17.
Journal Article
150 (17), 174901 (2019)
Continuum model of magnetic field induced viscoelasticity in magnetorheological fluids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 18.
Journal Article
15 (9), pp. 2032 - 2042 (2019)
A dynamic preferred direction model for the self-organization dynamics of bacterial microfluidic pumping. Soft Matter 19.
Journal Article
57 (12), pp. 773 - 791 (2018)
Dissipative versus reversible contributions to macroscopic dynamics: the role of time-reversal symmetry and entropy production. Rheologica Acta 20.
Journal Article
97 (1), 012701 (2018)
Magneto-optic dynamics in a ferromagnetic nematic liquid crystal. Physical Review E