Publications of Kevin Pagel

Journal Article (120)

Journal Article
Chang, C.-W.; Wehner, D.; Prabhu, G. R. D.; Moon, E.; Safferthal, M.; Bechtella, L.; Österlund, N.; Vos, G. M.; Pagel, K.: Elucidating reactive sugar-intermediates by mass spectrometry. Communications Chemistry 8 (1), 67 (2025)
Journal Article
Dahlmann, F.; Griesbach, C. E.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Helden, G. v.; Peczuh, M. W.; Pagel, K.; Greis, K.: Direct Experimental Characterization of a Sialyl Cation. Chemistry – A European Journal 31 (7), e202403724 (2025)
Journal Article
Safferthal, M.; Greis, K.; Chang, R.; Chang, C.-W.; Hoffmann, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: The impact of side-chain fluorination on proton-bound phenylalanine dimers: a cryogenic infrared spectroscopic study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (44), pp. 28155 - 28160 (2024)
Journal Article
Chang, C.-W.; Greis, K.; Prabhu, G. R. D.; Wehner, D.; Kirschbaum, C.; Ober, K.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Leichnitz, S.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v. et al.; Seeberger, P. H.; Pagel, K.: Mechanistic insight into benzylidene-directed glycosylation reactions using cryogenic infrared spectroscopy. Nature Synthesis 3, pp. 1377 - 1384 (2024)
Journal Article
Kirschbaum, C.; Greis, K.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Riedel, J.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Studying the Intrinsic Reactivity of Chromanes by Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 35 (8), pp. 1950 - 1958 (2024)
Journal Article
Szekeres, G. P.; Dyer, D. P.; Miller, R. L.; Pagel, K.: Chemokine Oligomers and the Impact of Fondaparinux Binding. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 35 (7), pp. 1550 - 1555 (2024)
Journal Article
Polewski, L.; Moon, E.; Zappe, A.; Götze, M.; Szekeres, G. P.; Roth, C.; Pagel, K.: Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry-Based Disaccharide Analysis of Glycosaminoglycans. Chemistry – A European Journal 30 (35), e202400783 (2024)
Journal Article
Kontodimas, V.; Yaman, M.; Greis, K.; Lettow, M.; Pagel, K.; Marianski, M.: Reinvestigation of the internal glycan rearrangement of Lewis a and blood group type H1 epitopes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (19), pp. 14160 - 14170 (2024)
Journal Article
Safferthal, M.; Bechtella, L.; Zappe, A.; Vos, G. M.; Pagel, K.: Labeling of Mucin-Type O-Glycans for Quantification Using Liquid Chromatography and Fluorescence Detection. ACS Measurement Science Au 4 (2), pp. 223 - 240 (2024)
Journal Article
Bechtella, L.; Chunsheng, J.; Fentker, K.; Ertürk, G. R.; Safferthal, M.; Polewski, L.; Götze, M.; Graeber, S. Y.; Vos, G. M.; Struwe, W. B. et al.; Mall, M. A.; Mertins, P.; Karlsson, N. G.; Pagel, K.: Ion mobility-tandem mass spectrometry of mucin-type O-glycans. Nature Communications 15, 2611 (2024)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Kirschbaum, C.; Ober, K.; Taccone, M.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Meijer, G.; Pagel, K.; Helden, G. v.: Infrared Spectroscopy of Fluorenyl Cations at Cryogenic Temperatures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (50), pp. 11313 - 11317 (2023)
Journal Article
Almalla, A.; Elomaa, L.; Bechtella, L.; Daneshgar, A.; Yavvari, P.; Mahfouz, Z.; Tang, P.; Koksch, B.; Sauer, I.; Pagel, K. et al.; Hillebrandt, K. H.; Weinhart, M.: Papain-Based Solubilization of Decellularized Extracellular Matrix for the Preparation of Bioactive, Thermosensitive Pregels. Biomacromolecules 24 (12), pp. 5620 - 5637 (2023)
Journal Article
Kirschbaum, C.; Pagel, K.: Lipid Analysis by Mass Spectrometry coupled with Laser Light. Analysis & Sensing 3 (6), e202200103 (2023)
Journal Article
Götze, M.; Polewski, L.; Bechtella, L.; Pagel, K.: A 3D-Printed Offline Nano-ESI Source for Bruker MS Instruments. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 34 (10), pp. 2403 - 2406 (2023)
Journal Article
Safferthal, M.; Greis, K.; Chang, R.; Kirschbaum, C.; Hoffmann, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Cryogenic infrared spectroscopy reveals remarkably short NH+⋯F hydrogen bonds in fluorinated phenylalanines. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (36), pp. 24783 - 24788 (2023)
Journal Article
Lutomski, C. A.; El-Baba, T. J.; Hinkle, J. D.; Liko, I.; Bennett, J. L.; Kalmankar, N. V.; Dolan, A.; Kirschbaum, C.; Greis, K.; Urner, L. H. et al.; Kapoor, P.; Yen, H.-Y.; Pagel, K.; Mullen, C.; Syka, J. E. P.; Robinson, C. V.: Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Enables Top-Down Characterization of Membrane Protein Complexes and G Protein-Coupled Receptors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (36), e202305694 (2023)
Journal Article
Lettow, M.; Greis, K.; Mucha, E.; Lambeth, T. R.; Yaman, M.; Kontodimas, V.; Manz, C.; Hoffmann, W.; Meijer, G.; Julian, R. R. et al.; Helden, G. v.; Marianski, M. R.; Pagel, K.: Decoding the Fucose Migration Product during Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Blood Group Epitopes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (24), e202302883 (2023)
Journal Article
Szekeres, G. P.; Hanozin, E.; Diehn, R.; Horlebein, J.; Polewski, L.; Zappe, A.; Lauster, D.; Pagel, K.: Heparin increases the antibiotic efficacy of colistin. Frontiers in Analytical Science 3, 3:1154391 (2023)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Griesbach, C. E.; Kirschbaum, C.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.; Peczuh, M. W.: Characterization and Fate of a Septanosyl Ferrier Cation in the Gas and Solution Phases. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 88 (9), pp. 5543 - 5553 (2023)
Journal Article
Riedel, J.; Lettow, M.; Grabarics, M.; Götze, M.; Miller, R. L.; Boons, G.-J.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Szekeres, G. P.; Pagel, K.: Predicting Structural Motifs of Glycosaminoglycans using Cryogenic Infrared Spectroscopy and Random Forest. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (14), pp. 7859 - 7868 (2023)
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