Publications of J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
13, 14900 (2021)
Inferring the diurnal variability of OH radical concentrations over the Amazon from BVOC measurements. Scientific Reports 2.
Journal Article
17 (17), pp. 4375 - 4404 (2020)
CloudRoots: integration of advanced instrumental techniques and process modelling of sub-hourly and sub-kilometre land–atmosphere interactions. Biogeosciences Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Determination of OH radical concentrations between 80-325 m over the Amazon rainforest using BVOC measurements. In EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. (2022)
Preprint (1)
Inferring the diurnal variability of OH radical concentrations over the Amazon from BVOC measurements. Research Square (2022)