Publications of Y. Mastai

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Dimova, R.; Lipowsky, R.; Mastai, Y.; Antonietti, M.: Binding of polymers to calcite crystals in water: characterization by isothermal titration calorimetry. Langmuir 19 (15), pp. 6097 - 6103 (2003)
Journal Article
Hornebecq, V.; Mastai, Y.; Antonietti, M.; Polarz, S.: Redox behavior of nanostructured molybdenum oxide–Mesoporous silica hybrid materials. Chemistry of Materials 15 (19), pp. 3586 - 3593 (2003)
Journal Article
Montenegro, R.; Antonietti, M.; Mastai, Y.; Landfester, K.: Crystallization in miniemulsion droplets. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (21), pp. 5088 - 5094 (2003)
Journal Article
Pol, V. G.; Motiei, M.; Gedanken, A.; Calderon-Moreno, J.; Mastai, Y.: Sonochemical deposition of air-stable iron nanoparticles on monodispersed carbon spherules. Chemistry of Materials 15 (6), pp. 1378 - 1384 (2003)
Journal Article
Rana, R. K.; Zhang, L. Z.; Yu, J. C.; Mastai, Y.; Gedanken, A.: Mesoporous structures from supramolecular assembly of in situ generated ZnS nanoparticles. Langmuir 19 (14), pp. 5904 - 5911 (2003)
Journal Article
Cölfen, H.; Qi, L. M.; Mastai, Y.; Börger, L.: Formation of unusual 10-petal BaSO₄ structures in the presence of a polymeric additive. Crystal Growth & Design 2 (3), pp. 191 - 196 (2002)
Journal Article
Mastai, Y.; Polarz, S.; Antonietti, M.: Silica-carbon nanocomposites: A new concept for the design of solar absorbers. Advanced Functional Materials 12 (3), pp. 197 - 202 (2002)
Journal Article
Mastai, Y.; Rudloff, J.; Cölfen, H.; Antonietti, M.: Control over the structure of ice and water by block copolymer additives. ChemPhysChem 3 (1), pp. 119 - 123 (2002)
Journal Article
Mastai, Y.; Sedlak, M.; Cölfen, H.; Antonietti, M.: The separation of racemic crystals into enantiomers by chiral block copolymers. Chemistry – A European Journal 8 (11), pp. 2430 - 2437 (2002)
Journal Article
Nikitenko, S. I.; Koltypin, Y.; Mastai, Y.; Koltypin, M.; Gedanken, A.: Sonochemical synthesis of tungsten sulfide nanorods. Journal of Materials Chemistry 12 (5), pp. 1450 - 1452 (2002)
Journal Article
Rana, R. K.; Mastai, Y.; Gedanken, A.: Acoustic cavitation leading to the morphosynthesis of mesoporous silica vesicles. Advanced Materials 14 (19), pp. 1414 - 1418 (2002)
Journal Article
Antonietti, M.; Landfester, K.; Mastai, Y.: The vision of "Nanochemistry", or is there a promise for specific chemical reactions in nano-restricted environments? Israel Journal of Chemistry 41, pp. 1 - 5 (2001)
Journal Article
Pang, G. S.; Sominska, E.; Cölfen, H.; Mastai, Y.; Avivi, S.; Koltypin, Y.; Gedanken, A.: Preparing a stable colloidal solution of hydrous YSZ by sonication. Langmuir 17, pp. 3223 - 3226 (2001)