Publications of Inés Moreno-Jiménez

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Heinig, S.; Heras, U.; Maichl, D. S.; Strifler, S.; Leich-Zbat, E.; Blouin, S.; Fratzl, P.; Fratzl-Zelman, N.; Jundt, F. et al.; Cipitria, A.: 3D osteocyte lacunar morphometry of human bone biopsies with high resolution microCT: from monoclonal gammopathy to newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Bone 189, 117236 (2024)
Journal Article
Lahr, C. A.; Landgraf, M.; Wagner, F.; Cipitria, A.; Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Bas, O.; Schmutz, B.; Meinert, C.; Mashimo, T.; Miyasaka, Y. et al.; Holzapfel, B. M.; Shafiee, A.; McGovern, J. A.; Hutmacher, D. W.: A humanised rat model reveals ultrastructural differences between bone and mineralised tumour tissue. Bone 158, 116018 (2022)
Journal Article
Chiou, A. E.; Liu, C.; Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Tang, T.; Wagermaier, W.; Dean, M. N.; Fischbach, C.; Fratzl, P.: Breast cancer–secreted factors perturb murine bone growth in regions prone to metastasis. Science Advances 7 (12), eabf2283 (2021)
Journal Article
Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Garske, D.; Lahr, C.A.; Hutmacher, D.W.; Cipitria, A.: Targeted 2D histology and ultrastructural bone analysis based on 3D microCT anatomical locations. MethodsX 8, 101480 (2021)
Journal Article
Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Cipitria, A.; Sánchez-Herrero, A.; Van Tol, A.; Roschger, A.; Lahr, C. A.; McGovern, J. A.; Hutmacher, D. W.; Fratzl, P.: Human and mouse bones physiologically integrate in a humanized mouse model while maintaining species-specific ultrastructure. Science Advances 6 (44), abb9265 (2020)
Journal Article
Ziouti, F.; Prates Soares, A.; Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Rack, A.; Bogen, B.; Cipitria, A.; Zaslansky, P.; Jundt, F.: An early myeloma bone disease model in skeletally mature mice as a platform for biomaterial characterization of the extracellular matrix. Journal of Oncology 2020, 3985315 (2020)
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