JEOL JEM1400 Transmission Electron Microscope

JEOL JEM1400 Transmission Electron Microscope

The JEM1400 is a designated imaging instrument, optimized to achieve high contrast for soft matter specimens. For this purpose, it´s equipped with a 120 kV LaB6 emitter and with a large gap pole piece. Furthermore, this microscope is equipped with a scanning generator in combination with a high angle annular darkfield detector (HAADF) and with an energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS or EDX), which can help in identifying the correct sample features by means of chemical analysis. Furthermore, a cryo-holder and a tomogram acquisition software are available with this machine.

Acceleration Voltage: 120 kV
Gun type: LaB6
Specified point resolution: 0.38 nm
Specified line resolution: 0.20 nm
Camera: on axis Gatan US1000 2k CCD camera
Energy filter: none
Scanning unit: JEOL
Scanning detector: Fishione HAADF
Specified STEM resolution: 0.20 nm
EDS Detector: Bruker Quantax
Add-ons: -
Holders: single tilt, high tilt tomography, penta-holder, cryo-holder
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