LEO Gemini 1530 Scanning Electron Microscope
The LEO Gemini 1530 is a dedicated imaging microscope allowing a high sample throughput with a yet excellent image quality. It´s low-kV capability allows to inspect non-conductive samples without the need for a conductive coating prior to the examination. Furthermore, the in-lens SE detector yields good image contrast at simultaneously extremely low beam currents.

Acceleration Voltage: | 0.1 … 30 kV |
Gun type: | Schottky FEG |
Specified point resolution: | 1.0 nm (@ 30 kV and WD = 4 mm) |
Detectors: | InLens (SE), Everhart-Thornley |
EDS Detector: | none |
Add-ons: | |
Holders: | 8x-holder, cross section holder |