Hitachi SU8000 Scanning Electron Microscope
The Hitachi SU8000 is a versatile SEM offering a wide range of imaging and detection capabilities. For a stable operation and an excellent resolution it is operated with a cold field emitter gun. In addition to the good electron optical properties it comes with different detection systems in order to exploit a wide range of contrast formation mechanisms. Due to it´s low-kV mode it is possible to inspect non-conducting samples without the need for applying a conductive coating prior to inspection.
For chemical analysis the SU8000 is equipped with an energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS or EDX) utilizing local chemical analysis of the sample.
For wet samples and for samples that undergo morphological changes during drying the SU8000 is equipped with a cryo-preparation and –transfer system as well.

Acceleration Voltage: | 0.5 … 30 kV 0.1 … 2.0 kV in Deceleration Mode |
Gun type: | Cold FEG |
Specified point resolution: | 1.0 nm (@ 15 kV and WD = 4 mm) 1.3 nm (@ 1 kV landing Voltage, WD=1.5mm) |
Detectors: | Upper InLens, Lower InLens, Everhart-Thornley, Transmission |
Energy filter: | ExB |
EDS Detector: | Bruker Quantax |
Add-ons: | Cryo preparation system with cryo table |
Holders: | 8x-holder, STEM dark filed and bright field, cross section holder |