Publikationen von Gerald H. Haug
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Zeitschriftenartikel (84)
254, 106732 (2021)
The Southern Ocean during the ice ages: A review of the Antarctic surface isolation hypothesis, with comparison to the North Pacific. Quaternary Science Reviews 42.
35 (8), e9055 (2021)
Isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy analysis of water samples without memory effects. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 43.
22 (3), e2020GC009443 (2021)
Intratest Variations in Trace Element Composition of Amphistegina lessonii Using Femtosecond-Laser Ablation-ICP-Mass Spectrometry: A Field Study From Akajima, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 44.
370 (6522), S. 1348 - 1352 (2020)
Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth’s obliquity, and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 change. Science 45.
370 (6522), S. 1348 - 1352 (2020)
Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth's obliquity, and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 change. Science 46.
35 (12), e2020PA004049 (2020)
Deep Thermohaline Circulation Across the Closure of the Central American Seaway. Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology 47.
17 (21), 8114 (2020)
Model Calculations of Aerosol Transmission and Infection Risk of COVID-19 in Indoor Environments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 48.
34 (19), e8878 (2020)
High‐precision stable isotope analysis of <5 μg CaCO3 samples by continuous‐flow mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 49.
551, 119775 (2020)
Geochemical insights into the relationship of rock varnish and adjacent mineral dust fractions. Chemical Geology 50.
34 (16), e8837 (2020)
A comparison of isotope ratio mass spectrometry and cavity ring-down spectroscopy techniques for isotope analysis of fluid inclusion water. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 51.
15 (8), e0235421 (2020)
Geochemical studies on rock varnish and petroglyphs in the Owens and Rose Valleys, California. PLoS One 52.
35 (8), e2020PA003848 (2020)
A Continuous Record of Central Tropical Pacific Climate Since the Midnineteenth Century Reconstructed From Fanning and Palmyra Island Corals: A Case Study in Coral Data Reanalysis. Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology 53.
26 (3), S. 1338 - 1353 (2020)
Megacity development and the demise of coastal coral communities: Evidence from coral skeleton δ15N records in the Pearl River estuary. Global Change Biology 54.
21 (2), e2019GC008440 (2020)
The Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Tissue and Shell-Bound Organic Matter of Planktic Foraminifera in Southern Ocean Surface Waters. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 55.
520, S. 268 - 278 (2019)
Gulf Stream intensification after the early Pliocene shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 56.
66 (5), S. 1967 - 1988 (2019)
Fingerprint of tropical climate variability and sea level in sediments of the Cariaco Basin during the last glacial period. Sedimentology: the journal of the International Association of Sedimentologists 57.
247, S. 261 - 279 (2019)
The isotope effect of nitrate assimilation in the Antarctic Zone: Improved estimates and paleoceanographic implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58.
33 (12), S. 1746 - 1763 (2019)
Importance of Cadmium Sulfides for Biogeochemical Cycling of Cd and Its Isotopes in Oxygen Deficient Zones-A Case Study of the Angola Basin. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 59.
363 (6431), S. 1080 - 1084 (2019)
The residence time of Southern Ocean surface waters and the 100,000-year ice age cycle. Science 60.
20 (4), S. 2053 - 2063 (2019)
High-Resolution Mg/Ca Measurements of Foraminifer Shells Using Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS for Paleoclimate Proxy Development. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems