Publikationen von W. Abouchami

Zeitschriftenartikel (51)

Brandl, P. A.; Beier, C.; Regelous, M.; Abouchami, W.; Haase, K. M.; Garbe-Schönberg, D.; Galer, S. J. G.: Volcanism on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise: Quantitative constraints on mantle heterogeneity and melting processes. Chemical Geology 298, S. 41 - 56 (2012)
Moore, J.; White, W. M.; Paul, D.; Duncan, R. A.; Abouchami, W.; Galer, S. J. G.: Evolution of shield-building and rejuvenescent volcanism of Mauritius. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 207 (1-2), S. 47 - 66 (2011)
Skonieczny, C.; Bory, A.; Bout-Roumazeilles, V.; Abouchami, W.; Galer, S. J. G.; Crosta, X.; Stuut, J. B.; Meyer, I.; Chiapello, I.; Podvin, T. et al.; Chatenet, B.; Diallo, A.; Ndiaye, T.: The 7-13 March 2006 major Saharan outbreak: Multiproxy characterization of mineral dust deposited on the West African margin. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 116, D18210 (2011)
Jochum, K. P.; Wilson, S. A.; Abouchami, W.; Amini, M.; Chmeleff, J.; Eisenhauer, A.; Hegner, E.; Iaccheri, L. M.; Kieffer, B.; Krause, J. et al.; McDonough, W. F.; Mertz-Kraus, R.; Raczek, I.; Rudnick, R. L.; Scholz, D.; Steinhoefel, G.; Stoll, B.; Stracke, A.; Tonarini, S.; Weis, D.; Weis, U.; Woodhead, J. D.: GSD-1G and MPI-DING Reference Glasses for In Situ and Bulk Isotopic Determination. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 35 (2), S. 193 - 226 (2011)
Abouchami, W.; Galer, S. J. G.; de Baar, H. J. W.; Alderkamp, A. C.; Middag, R.; Laan, P.; Feldmann, H.; Andreae, M. O.: Modulation of the Southern Ocean cadmium isotope signature by ocean circulation and primary productivity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (1-2), S. 83 - 91 (2011)
Regelous, M.; Niu, Y. L.; Abouchami, W.; Castillo, P. R.: Shallow origin for South Atlantic Dupal Anomaly from lower continental crust: Geochemical evidence from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°S. Lithos 112 (1-2), S. 57 - 72 (2009)
Huang, S. C.; Abouchami, W.; Blichert-Toft, J.; Clague, D. A.; Cousens, B. L.; Frey, F. A.; Humayun, M.: Ancient carbonate sedimentary signature in the Hawaiian plume: Evidence from Mahukona volcano, Hawaii. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 10, Q08002 (2009)
Schmitt, A. D.; Galer, S. J. G.; Abouchami, W.: Mass-dependent cadmium isotopic variations in nature with emphasis on the marine environment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (1-2), S. 262 - 272 (2009)
Schmitt, A. D.; Galer, S. J. G.; Abouchami, W.: High-precision cadmium stable isotope measurements by double spike thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24 (8), S. 1079 - 1088 (2009)
Beier, C.; Haase, K. M.; Abouchami, W.; Krienitz, M. S.; Hauff, F.: Magma genesis by rifting of oceanic lithosphere above anomalous mantle: Terceira Rift, Azores. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9, Q12013 (2008)
Fekiacova, Z.; Abouchami, W.; Galer, S. J. G.; Garcia, M. O.; Hofmann, A. W.: Origin and temporal evolution of Ko'olau Volcano, Hawai'i: Inferences from isotope data on the Ko'olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP), the Honolulu Volcanics and ODP Site 843. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (1-2), S. 65 - 83 (2007)
Xu, G. P.; Frey, F. A.; Clague, D. A.; Abouchami, W.; Blichert-Toft, J.; Cousens, B.; Weisler, M.: Geochemical characteristics of West Molokai shield- and postshield-stage lavas: Constraints on Hawaiian plume models. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 8, Q08G21 (2007)
van de Flierdt, T.; Hemming, S. R.; Goldstein, S. L.; Abouchami, W.: Radiogenic isotope fingerprint of Wilkes Land - Adelie Coast Bottom Water in the circum-Antarctic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 33 (12), L12606 (2006)
Nauret, F.; Abouchami, W.; Galer, S. J. G.; Hofmann, A. W.; Hemond, C.; Chauvel, C.; Dyment, J.: Correlated trace element-Pb isotope enrichments in Indian MORB along 18-20°S, Central Indian Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 245 (1-2), S. 137 - 152 (2006)
Jochum, K. P.; Stoll, B.; Herwig, K.; Willbold, M.; Hofmann, A. W.; Amini, M.; Aarburg, S.; Abouchami, W.; Hellebrand, E.; Mocek, B. et al.; Raczek, I.; Stracke, A.; Alard, O.; Bouman, C.; Becker, S.; Dücking, M.; Brätz, H.; Klemd, R.; de Bruin, D.; Canil, D.; Cornell, D.; de Hoog, C. J.; Dalpe, C.; Danyushevsky, L.; Eisenhauer, A.; Premo, W. R.; Sun, W. D. D.; Tiepolo, M.; Vannucci, R.; Vennemann, T.; Wayne, D.; Woodhead, J. D.: MPI-DING reference glasses for in situ microanalysis: New reference values for element concentrations and isotope ratios. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 7, Q02008 (2006)
Jochum, K. P.; Pfänder, J.; Woodhead, J. D.; Willbold, M.; Stoll, B.; Herwig, K.; Amini, M.; Abouchami, W.; Hofmann, A. W.: MPI-DING glasses: New geological reference materials for in situ Pb isotope analysis. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 6, Q10008 (2005)
Abouchami, W.; Hofmann, A. W.; Galer, S. J. G.; Frey, F. A.; Eisele, J.; Feigenson, M.: Lead isotopes reveal bilateral asymmetry and vertical continuity in the Hawaiian mantle plume. Nature 434 (7035), S. 851 - 856 (2005)
Jochum, K. P.; Stoll, B.; Herwig, K.; Amini, M.; Abouchami, W.; Hofmann, A. W.: Lead isotope ratio measurements in geological glasses by laser ablation-sector field-ICP mass spectrometry (LA-SF-ICPMS). International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 242 (2-3), S. 281 - 289 (2005)
Rampone, E.; Romairone, A.; Abouchami, W.; Piccardo, G. B.; Hofmann, A. W.: Chronology, petrology and isotope geochemistry of the Erro-Tobbio peridotites (Ligurian Alps, Italy): Records of Late Palaeozoic lithospheric extension. Journal of Petrology 46 (4), S. 799 - 827 (2005)
Abouchami, W.; Zabel, M.: Climate forcing of the Pb isotope record of terrigenous input into the Equatorial Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 213 (3-4), S. 221 - 234 (2003)
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