Publications of H. Cölfen

Journal Article (198)

Journal Article
Xu, A. W.; Yu, Q.; Dong, W. F.; Antonietti, M.; Cölfen, H.: Stable amorphous CaCO3 microparticles with hollow spherical superstructures stabilized by phytic acid. Advanced Materials 17 (18), pp. 2217 - 2221 (2005)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.; Tauer, K.; Antonietti, M.: Tectonic arrangement of BaCO₃ nanocrystals into helices induced by a racemic block copolymer. Nature Materials 4 (1), pp. 51 - 55 (2005)
Journal Article
Bolze, J.; Pontoni, D.; Ballauff, M.; Narayanan, T.; Cölfen, H.: Time-resolved SAXS study of the effect of a double hydrophilic block-copolymer on the formation of CaCO3 from a supersaturated salt solution. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 277 (1), pp. 84 - 94 (2004)
Journal Article
Chen, S. F.; Yu, S. H.; Yu, B.; Ren, L.; Yao, W. T.; Cölfen, H.: Solvent effect on mineral modification: selective synthesis of cerium compounds by a facile solution route. Chemistry – A European Journal 10 (12), pp. 3050 - 3058 (2004)
Journal Article
Cölfen, H.: Analytical ultracentrifugation of nanoparticles. Polymer News 29 (4), pp. 101 - 116 (2004)
Journal Article
Cölfen, H.; Völkel, A.: Analytical ultracentrifugation in colloid chemistry. Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science 127, pp. 31 - 47 (2004)
Journal Article
Dimitrov, I.; Kukula, H.; Cölfen, H.; Schlaad, H.: Advances in the synthesis and characterization of polypeptide-based hybrid block copolymers. Macromolecular Symposia 215 (1), pp. 383 - 393 (2004)
Journal Article
Endo, H.; Schwahn, D.; Cölfen, H.: On the role of block copolymer additives for calcium carbonate crystallization: small angle neutron scattering investigation by applying contrast variation. The Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (19), pp. 9410 - 9423 (2004)
Journal Article
Endo, H. S.; Schwahn, D.; Cölfen, H.: An analysis of calcium carbonate/polymer hybrid crystals applying contrast variation SANS. Physica B-Condensed Matter 350, pp. e943 - e945 (2004)
Journal Article
Kasparova, P.; Antonietti, M.; Cölfen, H.: Double hydrophilic block copolymers with switchable secondary structure as additives for crystallization control. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 250 (1-3), pp. 153 - 162 (2004)
Journal Article
Li, M.; Cölfen, H.; Mann, S.: Morphological control of BaSO₄ microstructures by double hydrophilic block copolymer mixtures. Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (14), pp. 2269 - 2276 (2004)
Journal Article
Martinez, Y.; Retuert, J.; Yazdani-Pedram, M.; Cölfen, H.: Hybrid ternary organic-inorganic films based on interpolymer complexes and silica. Polymer 45 (10), pp. 3257 - 3265 (2004)
Journal Article
Niederberger, M.; Garnweitner, G.; Krumeich, F.; Nesper, R.; Cölfen, H.; Antonietti, M.: Tailoring the surface and solubility properties of nanocrystalline titania by a nonaqueous in situ functionalization process. Chemistry of Materials 16 (7), pp. 1202 - 1208 (2004)
Journal Article
Rudloff, J.; Cölfen, H.: Superstructures of temporarily stabilized nanocrystalline CaCO3 particles: morphological control via water surface tension variation. Langmuir 20 (3), pp. 991 - 996 (2004)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.: Bio-inspired crystal morphogenesis by hydrophilic polymers. Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (14), pp. 2124 - 2147 (2004)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.; Fischer, A.: High quality CeO2 nanocrystals stabilized by a double hydrophilic block copolymer. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 243 (1-3), pp. 49 - 52 (2004)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.; Mastai, Y.: Formation and optical properties of gold nanoparticles synthesized in the presence of double-hydrophilic block copolymers. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4 (3), pp. 291 - 298 (2004)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.; Xu, A. W.; Dong, W. F.: Complex spherical BaCO₃ superstructures self-assembled by a facile mineralization process under control of simple polyelectrolytes. Crystal Growth & Design 4 (1), pp. 33 - 37 (2004)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cui, X. J.; Li, L. L.; Li, K.; Yu, B.; Antonietti, M.; Cölfen, H.: From starch to metal/carbon hybrid nanostructures: hydrothermal metal-catalyzed carbonization. Advanced Materials 16 (18), pp. 1636 - 1640 (2004)
Journal Article
Cölfen, H.: Precipitation of carbonates: recent progress in controlled production of complex shapes. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 8 (1), pp. 23 - 31 (2003)
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