Publications of Michael Hävecker

Journal Article (177)

Journal Article
Pfeifer, V.; Jones, T.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Arrigo, R.; Piccinin, S.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: In situ observation of reactive oxygen species forming on oxygen-evolving iridium surfaces. Chemical Science 8 (3), pp. 2143 - 2149 (2017)
Journal Article
Köpfle, N.; Mayr, L.; Schmidmair, D.; Bernardi, J.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Klötzer, B.; Penner, S.: A Comparative Discussion of the Catalytic Activity and CO2-Selectivity of Cu-Zr and Pd-Zr (Intermetallic) Compounds in Methanol Steam Reforming. Catalysts 7 (2), 53 (2017)
Journal Article
Kube, P.; Frank, B.; Wrabetz, S.; Kröhnert, J.; Hävecker, M.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Noack, J.; Schlögl, R.; Trunschke, A.: Functional Analysis of Catalysts for Lower Alkane Oxidation. ChemCatChem 9 (4), pp. 573 - 585 (2017)
Journal Article
Hävecker, M.; Düngen, P.; Buller, S.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Trunschke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Restructuring of silica supported vanadia during propane oxidative dehydrogenation studied by combined synchrotron radiation based in situ soft X-ray absorption and photoemission. Catalysis, Structure and Reactivity 3 (1-2), pp. 104 - 111 (2017)
Journal Article
Velasco Vélez, J.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schwanke, C.; Xi, L.; Lange, L. M.; Xiao, J.; Tesch, M. F.; Golnak, R.; Petit, T. et al.; Puskar, L.; Schade, U.; Borgwardt, M.; Kiyan, I.; Seidel, R.; Aziz, E. F.: Multiscale Photo-Based In-Situ and Operando Spectroscopies in Time and Energy Landscapes. Synchrotron Radiation News 30 (2), pp. 14 - 19 (2017)
Journal Article
Mayr, L.; Shi, X.-R.; Köpfle, N.; Milligan, C. A.; Zemlyanov, D. Y.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Klötzer, B.; Penner, S.: Chemical vapor deposition-prepared sub-nanometer Zr clusters on Pd surfaces: promotion of methane dry reforming. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (46), pp. 31586 - 31599 (2016)
Journal Article
Lukashuk, L.; Föttinger, K.; Kolar, E.; Rameshan, C.; Teschner, D.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Yigit, N.; Li, H.; McDermott, E. et al.; Stöger-Pollach, M.; Rupprechter, G.: Operando XAS and NAP-XPS studies of preferential CO oxidation on Co3O4 and CeO2-Co3O4 catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 344, pp. 1 - 15 (2016)
Journal Article
Pfeifer, V.; Jones, T.; Wrabetz, S.; Massué, C.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Arrigo, R.; Scherzer, M.; Piccinin, S.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A. et al.; Schlögl, R.: Reactive oxygen species in iridium-based OER catalysts. Chemical Science 7 (11), pp. 6791 - 6795 (2016)
Journal Article
Bare, S. R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Teschner, D.; Hävecker, M.; Blume, R.; Rocha, T.; Schlögl, R.; Chan, A. S.Y.; Blackwell, N.; Charochak, M.E. et al.; Veen, R. t.; Brongersma, H.: Surface Analysis of Zeolites: An XPS, Variable Kinetic Energy XPS, and Low Energy Ion Scattering Study. Surface Science 648, pp. 376 - 382 (2016)
Journal Article
Pfeifer, V.; Jones, T.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Massué, C.; Arrigo, R.; Teschner, D.; Girgsdies, F.; Scherzer, M.; Greiner, M.; Allan, J. et al.; Hashagen, M.; Weinberg, G.; Piccinin, S.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: The electronic structure of iridium and its oxides. Surface and Interface Analysis 48 (5), pp. 261 - 273 (2016)
Journal Article
Velasco Vélez, J.; Pfeifer, V.; Hävecker, M.; Wang, R.; Centeno, A.; Zurutuza, A.; Algara-Siller, G.; Stotz, E.; Skorupska, K.; Teschner, D. et al.; Kube, P.; Braeuninger-Weimer, P.; Hofmann, S.; Schlögl, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.: Atmospheric pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy apparatus: Bridging the pressure gap. Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (5), 053121 (2016)
Journal Article
Klyushin, A.; Arrigo, R.; Yi, Y.; Xie, Z.; Hävecker, M.; Bukhtiyarov, A. V.; Prosvirin, I. P.; Bukhtiyarov, V. I.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Are Au Nanoparticles on Oxygen-Free Supports Catalytically Active? Topics in Catalysis 59 (5-7), pp. 469 - 477 (2016)
Journal Article
Kaichev, V. V.; Teschner, D.; Saraev, A. A.; Kosolobov, S. S.; Gladky, A. Y.; Prosvirin, I. P.; Rudina, N. A.; Ayupov, A. B.; Blume, R.; Hävecker, M. et al.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Latyshev, A. V.; Bukhtiyarov, V. I.: Evolution of self-sustained kinetic oscillations in the catalytic oxidation of propane over a nickel foil. Journal of Catalysis 324, pp. 23 - 33 (2016)
Journal Article
Nenning, A.; Opitz, A. K.; Rameshan, C.; Rameshan, R.; Blume, R.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Rupprechter, G.; Klötzer, B.; Fleig, J.: Ambient Pressure XPS Study of Mixed Conducting Perovskite-type SOFC Cathode and Anode Materials under Well-Defined Electrochemical Polarization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (3), pp. 1461 - 1471 (2016)
Journal Article
Pfeifer, V.; Jones, T.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Massué, C.; Greiner, M.; Arrigo, R.; Teschner, D.; Girgsdies, F.; Scherzer, M.; Allan, J. et al.; Hashagen, M.; Weinberg, G.; Piccinin, S.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: The Electronic Structure of Iridium Oxide Electrodes Active in Water Splitting. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (4), pp. 2292 - 2296 (2016)
Journal Article
Rameshan, R.; Mayr, L.; Klötzer, B.; Eder, D.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Blume, R.; Schlögl, R.; Zemlyanov, D.; Penner, S.: Near-Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Methane-Induced Carbon Deposition on Clean and Copper-Modified Polycrystalline Nickel Materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (48), pp. 26948 - 26958 (2015)
Journal Article
Velasco Vélez, J.; Pfeifer, V.; Hävecker, M.; Weatherup, R. S.; Arrigo, R.; Chuang, C.-H.; Stotz, E.; Weinberg, G.; Salmeron, M.; Schlögl, R. et al.; Knop-Gericke, A.: Photoelektronenspektroskopie an der Graphen-Flüssigelektrolyt-Grenzfläche zur Bestimmung der elektronischen Struktur eines elektrochemisch abgeschiedenen Cobalt/Graphen-Elektrokatalysators. Angewandte Chemie 127 (48), pp. 14762 - 14766 (2015)
Journal Article
Kühl, S.; Schumann, J.; Kasatkin, I.; Hävecker, M.; Schlögl, R.; Behrens, M.: Ternary and quaternary Cr or Ga-containing ex-LDH catalysts—Influence of the additional oxides onto the microstructure and activity of Cu/ZnAl2O4 catalysts. Catalysis Today 246, pp. 92 - 100 (2015)
Journal Article
Heine, C.; Hävecker, M.; Trunschke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Eichelbaum, M.: The impact of steam on the electronic structure of the selective propane oxidation catalyst MoVTeNb oxide (orthorhombic M1 phase). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (14), pp. 8983 - 8993 (2015)
Journal Article
Eichelbaum, M.; Hävecker, M.; Heine, C.; Wernbacher, A. M.; Rosowski, F.; Trunschke, A.; Schlögl, R.: The Electronic Factor in Alkane Oxidation Catalysis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (10), pp. 2922 - 2926 (2015)
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