Publications of P. J. Crutzen

Book Chapter (32)

Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Die Geologie der Menschheit. In: Das Raumschiff Erde hat keinen Notausgang, pp. 7 - 10 (Eds. Crutzen, P. J.; Davis, M.; Mastrandrea, M. D.; Schneider, S. H.; Sloterdijk, P.). Edition Unseld, Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin (2011)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Erdabkühlung durch Sulfatinjektionen in die Stratosphäre. In: Die Klima-Manipulateure: Rettet uns Politik oder Geo-Engineering? - Jahrbuch Ökologie 2011, pp. 33 - 39 (Eds. Altner, G.; Leitschuh, H.; Michelsen, G.; Simonis, U. E.; von Weizsäcker, E. U.). S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart (2010)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.; Mosier, A.; Smith, K.; Winiwarter, W.: Atmospheric N2O Releases from Biofuel Production Systems: A Major Factor Against "CO2 Emission Savings": A Global View. In: Twenty Years of Ozone Decline. Proceedings of the Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, pp. 67 - 70 (Eds. Zerefos, C.; Contopoulos, G.; Skalkeas, G.). Springer, Dordrecht (2009)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Atmospheric chemistry and climate in the Anthropocene. In: Making Peace with the Earth – What Future for the Human Species and the Planet?, pp. 113 - 120 (Eds. Bindé; J.). Berghahn Books, UNESCO Publishing, New York (2007)
Book Chapter
von Glasow, R.; Crutzen, P. J.: Tropospheric Halogen Chemistry. In: Treatise on Geochemistry, Update 1, Vol. 4.02, pp. 1 - 67 (Eds. Holland, H. D.; Turekian, K. K.). Elsevier Pergamon, Amsterdam (2007)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: The "Anthropocene". In: Earth Systems Science in the Anthropocene – Emerging Issues and Problems, pp. 13 - 18 (Eds. Ehlers, E.; Krafft, T.). Springer, Heidelberg (2006)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Das stratosphärische Ozonloch: eine durch Menschen verursachte chemische Instabilität in der Atmosphäre. Was können wir daraus lernen? In: Vermächtnis und Vision der Wissenschaft, Zeitdiagnosen 7, pp. 31 - 38 (Ed. Acham, K.). Passagen Verlag, Wien (Austria) (2005)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Anti-Gaia. In: Global Change and the Earth System, p. 72 - 72. Springer Verlag, Berlin (2004)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: The Ozone Hole. In: Global Change and the Earth System, pp. 236 - 237. Springer Verlag, Berlin (2004)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.; Ramanathan, V.: Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in the Anthropocene. Where are we Heading? In: Earth System Analysis for Sustainablility, pp. 265 - 292 (Eds. Schellnhuber, H. J.; Crutzen, P. J.; Clark, W. C.; Claussen, M.; Held, H.). The MIT Press, Cambridge, USA (2004)
Book Chapter
Steffen, W.; Andreae, M. O.; Bolin, B.; Cox, P.; Crutzen, P. J.; Cubasch, U.; Nakicenovic, N.; Talaue-McManus, L.; Turner II, B. L.: Earth system dynamics in the Anthropocene. In: Earth System Analysis for Sustainability, pp. 313 - 340 (Eds. Schellnhuber, H.-J.; Crutzen, P. J.; Clark, W. C.; Claussen, M.; Held, H.). The MIT Press, Cambridge/MA (2004)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Schutz der Ozonschicht – ein Beispiel gelungener Umweltpolitik. In: Jahrbuch Ökologie 2004, pp. 132 - 145 (Eds. Altner, G.; Leitschuh-Fecht, H.; Michelsen, G.; Simonis, U. E.; von Weizsäcker, E. U.). Verlag C.H. Beck, München (2003)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: Het antropoceen: op de drempel naar de toekomst. In: Systeem Aarde, pp. 60 - 64 (Eds. van Bekkum, D. W.; Priem, H. N. A.; van der Zwaan, G. J.). Stichting Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij, Den Haag (2003)
Book Chapter
von Glasow, R.; Crutzen, P. J.: Tropospheric Halogen Chemistry. In: Treatise on Geochemistry, Vol. 4, pp. 21 - 64 (Eds. Holland, H. D.; Turekian, K. K.; Keeling, R. F.). Elsevier Pergamon, Amsterdam (2003)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: The "anthropocene". In: From the Impacts of Human Activities on our Climate and Environment to the Mysteries of Titan - ERCA, Vol. 5, pp. 1 - 5 (Ed. Boutron, C.). EDP Sciences, Les Ulis (2002)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: The importance of tropical atmospheric chemistry in global change research. In: Human Development and the Environment, pp. 213 - 219 (Eds. Ginkel, H.; Barrett, B.; Court, J.; Velasquez, J.). United Nations University Press, Tokyo (2002)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.; Ramanathan, V.: The Ascent of Atmospheric Sciences. In: Science – Pathways of Discovery, pp. 175 - 188 (Ed. Amato, I.). John Wiley & Sons, New York (2002)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.: The role of tropical atmospheric chemistry in global change research: The need for research in the tropics and subtropics. In: Proceedings of the Preparatory Session November 1999 and the Jubilee Plenary Session November 2000 on "Science and the Future of Mankind: Science for Man and Man for Science", Vatican City, pp. 110 - 114. Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, Vatican City (2001)
Book Chapter
Crutzen, P. J.; Sander, R.; Vogt, R.: The Influence of Aerosols on the Photochemistry of the Atmosphere. In: Dynamics and Chemistry of Hydrometeors, pp. 130 - 147 (Ed. Jaenicke, R.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2001)
Book Chapter
Andreae, M. O.; Crutzen, P. J.; Culf, A. D.; Grace, J.; Kabat, P.; Lelieveld, J.; Valentini, R.; Meixner, F. X.: European studies on trace gases and atmospheric chemistry as a contribution to the large scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment in Amazonia (EUSTACH-LBA). In: Proceedings of the European Climate Science Conference, Vienna, 19-23 October 1998, Article 86 (Eds. Gazhi, A.; Troen, I.). European Commission, Research DG, Biodiversity and Global Change Unit DI/1, Brussels (2000)
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