Publications of Adnan Hammud

Journal Article (30)

Journal Article
Wiedenhaupt, H.; Schulz, F.; Parra Lopez, L.; Hammud, A.; Park, Y.; Shiotari, A.; Kumagai, T.; Wolf, M.; Müller, M.: Plasmonic Light Emission by Inelastic Charge Transport in Ultrathin Zinc Oxide/Metal Heterostructures. Nano Letters 25 (7), pp. 2870 - 2877 (2025)
Journal Article
Türk, H.; Tran, X. Q.; König, P.; Hammud, A.; Vibhu, V.; Schmidt, F.; Berger, D.; Selve, S.; Roddatis, V.; Abou-Ras, D. et al.; Girgsdies, F.; Chan, Y.-T.; Götsch, T.; Ali, H.; Vinke, I. C.; de Haart, L.G.J. (.; Lehmann, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Reuter, K.; Eichel, R.-A.; Scheurer, C.; Lunkenbein, T.: Boon and Bane of Local Solid State Chemistry on the Performance of LSM-Based Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells. Advanced Energy Materials, 2405599 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, Z.; Öztuna, E.; Skorupska, K.; Vinogradova, O.; Jamshaid, A.; Steigert, A.; Rohner, C.; Dimitrakopoulou, M.; Prieto, M.; Kunkel, C. et al.; Stredansky, M.; Kube, P.; Götte, M.; Dudzinski, A.; Girgsdies, F.; Wrabetz, S.; Frandsen, W.; Blume, R.; Zeller, P.; Muske, M.; Delgado Muñoz, D.; Jiang, S.; Schmidt, F.; Köchler, T.; Arztmann, M.; Efimenko, A.; Frisch, J.; Kokumai, T.; Garcia-Diez, R.; Bär, M.; Hammud, A.; Kröhnert, J.; Trunschke, A.; Scheurer, C.; Schmidt, T.; Lunkenbein, T.; Amkreutz, D.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Bukas, V. J.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlatmann, R.; Reuter, K.; Roldan Cuenya, B.; Schlögl, R.: Rationally Designed Laterally-Condensed-Catalysts Deliver Robust Activity and Selectivity for Ethylene Production in Acetylene Hydrogenation. Nature Communications 15, 10660 (2024)
Journal Article
Park, Y.; Ikutaro, I.; Hammud, A.; Kumagai, T.; Wolf, M.; Shiotari, A.: Atomic-precision control of plasmon-induced single-molecule switching in a metal-semiconductor nanojunction. Nature Communications 15, 6709 (2024)
Journal Article
Häusler, I.; Řepa, R.; Hammud, A.; Skibitzki, O.; Hatami, F.: Investigation of Defect Formation in Monolithic Integrated GaP Islands on Si Nanotip Wafers. Electronics 13 (15), 2945 (2024)
Journal Article
Teschner, D.; Plescher, J.; Piccinin, S.; Jones, T. E.; Hammud, A.; Schmidt, F.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Bluhm, H.; Shavorskiy, A.: Understanding Anomalous Gas-Phase Peak Shifts in Dip-and-Pull Ambient Pressure XPS Experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (17), pp. 7096 - 7105 (2024)
Journal Article
Sandoval Diaz, L.; Cruz, D.; Vuijk, M.; Ducci, G.; Hävecker, M.; Jiang, W.; Plodinec, M.; Hammud, A.; Ivanov, D.; Götsch, T. et al.; Reuter, K.; Schlögl, R.; Scheurer, C.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Lunkenbein, T.: Metastable nickel-oxygen species modulate rate oscillations during dry reforming of methane. Nature Catalysis 7, pp. 161 - 171 (2024)
Journal Article
Glatthaar, R.; Schmidt, F.; Hammud, A.; Lunkenbein, T.; Okker, T.; Huster, F.; Seren, S.; Greven, B. C.; Hahn, G.; Terheiden, B.: Silver Metallization with Controlled Etch Stop Using SiOx Layers in Passivating Contacts for Improved Silicon Solar Cell Performance. Solar RRL 7 (21), 2300491 (2023)
Journal Article
Lin, C.; Krecinic, F.; Yoshino, H.; Hammud, A.; Pan, A.; Wolf, M.; Müller, M.; Kumagai, T.: Continuous-Wave Multiphoton-Induced Electron Transfer in Tunnel Junctions Driven by Intense Plasmonic Fields. ACS Photonics 10 (10), pp. 3637 - 3646 (2023)
Journal Article
Haas, B.; Radtke, G.; Quillin, S. C.; Lovejoy, T. C.; Dellby, N.; Krivanek, O. L.; Hammud, A.; Schröder, T.; Koch, C. T.: Mapping Phonon Dispersion Surfaces at Nanometer Scale. Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Suppl 1), pp. 356 - 357 (2023)
Journal Article
Schultz, T.; Kneiß, M.; Storm, P.; Splith, D.; von Wenckstern, H.; Koch, C. T.; Hammud, A.; Grundmann, M.; Koch, N.: Growth of κ-([Al,In]xGa1-x)2O3 Quantum Wells and Their Potential for Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetectors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15 (24), pp. 29535 - 29541 (2023)
Journal Article
Maudet, F.; Hammud, A.; Wollgarten, M.; Deshpande, V.; Dubourdieu, C.: Insights on the variability of Cu filament formation in the SiO2 electrolyte of quantized-conductance conductive bridge random access memory devices. Nanotechnology 34 (24), 245203 (2023)
Journal Article
Abou-Ras, D.; Bloeck, U.; Caicedo-Dávila, S.; Eljarrat, A.; Funk, H.; Hammud, A.; Thomas, S.; Wargulski, D. R.; Lunkenbein, T.; Koch, C. T.: Correlative microscopy and monitoring of segregation processes in optoelectronic semiconductor materials and devices. Journal of Applied Physics 133 (12), 121101 (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Hammud, A.; Hamada, I.; Wolf, M.; Müller, M.; Kumagai, T.: Nanoscale coherent phonon spectroscopy. Science Advances 8 (42), eabq5682 (2022)
Journal Article
Türk, H.; Götsch, T.; Schmidt, F.; Hammud, A.; Ivanov, D.; J. L. G., (. d. H.; Vinke, I. C.; Eichel, R.-A.; Schlögl, R.; Reuter, K. et al.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Lunkenbein, T.; Scheurer, C.: Sr Surface Enrichment in Solid Oxide Cells – Approaching the Limits of EDX Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Simulations. ChemCatChem 14 (19), e202200300 (2022)
Journal Article
Velasco Vélez, J.; Bernsmeier, D.; Jones, T.; Zeller, P.; Carbonio, E.; Chuang, C.-H.; Falling, L.; Streibel, V.; Mom, R.; Hammud, A. et al.; Hävecker, M.; Arrigo, R.; Stotz, E.; Lunkenbein, T.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Krähnert, R.; Schlögl, R.: The rise of electrochemical NAPXPS operated in the soft X-ray regime exemplified by the oxygen evolution reaction on IrOx electrocatalysts. Faraday Discussions 236, pp. 103 - 125 (2022)
Journal Article
Schönweger, G.; Petraru, A.; Islam, M. R.; Wolff, N.; Haas, B.; Hammud, A.; Koch, C.; Kienle, L.; Kohlstedt, H.; Fichtner, S.: From Fully Strained to Relaxed: Epitaxial Ferroelectric Al1-xScxN for III-N Technology. Advanced Functional Materials 32 (21), 2109632 (2022)
Journal Article
Cirera, B.; Litman, Y.; Lin, C.; Akkoush, A.; Hammud, A.; Wolf, M.; Rossi, M.; Kumagai, T.: Charge Transfer-Mediated Dramatic Enhancement of Raman Scattering upon Molecular Point Contact Formation. Nano Letters 22 (6), pp. 2170 - 2176 (2022)
Journal Article
Türk, H.; Schmidt, F.; Götsch, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Hammud, A.; Ivanov, D.; Vinke, I. C.; de Haart, L. G. J.; Eichel, R.-A.; Reuter, K. et al.; Schlögl, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Scheurer, C.; Lunkenbein, T.: Complexions at the Electrolyte/Electrode Interface in Solid Oxide Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (18), 2100967 (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Hammud, A.; Wolf, M.; Kumagai, T.: Anti-Stokes Light Scattering Mediated by Electron Transfer Across a Biased Plasmonic Nanojunction. ACS Photonics 8 (9), pp. 2610 - 2617 (2021)
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