Publications of Thomas Schmidt

Journal Article (47)

Journal Article
Tschammer, R.; Buß, L.; Pożarowska, E.; Morales, C.; Senanayake, S. D.; Prieto, M.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Tiwari, A.; Schmidt, T. et al.; Niño, M. A.; Foerster, M.; Falta, J.; Flege, J. I.: High-Temperature Growth of CeOx on Au(111) and Behavior under Reducing and Oxidizing Conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 129 (7), pp. 3583 - 3594 (2025)
Journal Article
Li, Z.; Öztuna, E.; Skorupska, K.; Vinogradova, O.; Jamshaid, A.; Steigert, A.; Rohner, C.; Dimitrakopoulou, M.; Prieto, M.; Kunkel, C. et al.; Stredansky, M.; Kube, P.; Götte, M.; Dudzinski, A.; Girgsdies, F.; Wrabetz, S.; Frandsen, W.; Blume, R.; Zeller, P.; Muske, M.; Delgado Muñoz, D.; Jiang, S.; Schmidt, F.; Köchler, T.; Arztmann, M.; Efimenko, A.; Frisch, J.; Kokumai, T.; Garcia-Diez, R.; Bär, M.; Hammud, A.; Kröhnert, J.; Trunschke, A.; Scheurer, C.; Schmidt, T.; Lunkenbein, T.; Amkreutz, D.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Bukas, V. J.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlatmann, R.; Reuter, K.; Roldan Cuenya, B.; Schlögl, R.: Rationally Designed Laterally-Condensed-Catalysts Deliver Robust Activity and Selectivity for Ethylene Production in Acetylene Hydrogenation. Nature Communications 15, 10660 (2024)
Journal Article
Caldas, L. d. S.; Prieto, M.; Tanase, L. C.; Tiwari, A.; Schmidt, T.; Roldan Cuenya, B.: Correlative In Situ Spectro-Microscopy of Supported Single CuO Nanoparticles: Unveiling the Relationships between Morphology and Chemical State during Thermal Reduction. ACS Nano 18 (21), pp. 13714 - 13725 (2024)
Journal Article
Abramiuc, L. E.; Tanase, L. C.; Prieto, M.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Tiwari, A.; Apostol, N. G.; Huşanu, M. A.; Chirilă, C. F.; Trupină, L.; Schmidt, T. et al.; Pintilie, L.; Teodorescu, C. M.: Surface charge dynamics on air-exposed ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3(001) thin films. Nanoscale 15 (31), pp. 13062 - 13075 (2023)
Journal Article
Pożarowska, E.; Pleines, L.; Ewert, M.; Prieto, M.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Tiwari, A.; Schmidt, T.; Falta, J.; Krasovskii, E. et al.; Morales, C.; Flege, J. I.: Preparation and stability of the hexagonal phase of samarium oxide on Ru(0001). Ultramicroscopy 250, 113755 (2023)
Journal Article
Prieto, M.; Mullan, T.; Wan, W.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Shaikhutdinov, S. K.; Sauer, J.; Usvyat, D.; Schmidt, T.; Roldan Cuenya, B.: Plasma Functionalization of Silica Bilayer Polymorphs. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14 (43), pp. 48609 - 48618 (2022)
Journal Article
Zeininger, J.; Winkler, P.; Raab, M.; Suchorski, Y.; Prieto, M.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Tiwari, A.; Schmidt, T.; Stöger-Pollach, M. et al.; Steiger-Thirsfeld, A.; Roldan Cuenya, B.; Rupprechter, G.: Pattern Formation in Catalytic H2 Oxidation on Rh: Zooming in by Correlative Microscopy. ACS Catalysis 12 (19), pp. 11974 - 11983 (2022)
Journal Article
Michalak, N.; Ossowski, T.; Miłosz, Z.; Prieto, M.; Wang, Y.; Werwiński, M.; Babacic, V.; Genuzio, F.; Vattuone, L.; Kiejna, A. et al.; Schmidt, T.; Lewandowski, M.: Ostwald Ripening in an Oxide-on-Metal System. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (17), 2200222 (2022)
Journal Article
Kunze, S.; Tanase, L. C.; Prieto, M.; Grosse, P.; Scholten, F.; Caldas, L. d. S.; van Vörden, D.; Schmidt, T.; Roldan Cuenya, B.: Plasma-assisted Oxidation of Cu(100) and Cu(111). Chemical Science 12 (42), pp. 14241 - 14253 (2021)
Journal Article
Røst, H. I.; Reed, B. P.; Strand, F. S.; Durk, J. A.; Evans, A.; Grubišić-Čabo, A.; Wan, G.; Cattelan, M.; Prieto, M.; Gottlob, D. M. et al.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Schmidt, T.; Tadich, A.; Cowie, B. C. C.; Chellappan, R. K.; Wells, J. W.; Cooil, S. P.: A Simplified Method for Patterning Graphene on Dielectric Layers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (31), pp. 37510 - 37516 (2021)
Journal Article
Prieto, M.; Mullan, T.; Schlutow, M.; Gottlob, D. M.; Tanase, L. C.; Menzel, D.; Sauer, J.; Usvyat, D.; Schmidt, T.; Freund, H.-J.: Insights into Reaction Kinetics in Confined Space: Real Time Observation of Water Formation under a Silica Cover. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (23), pp. 8780 - 8790 (2021)
Journal Article
Homann, M.; von Boehn, B.; Prieto, M.; Gottlob, D. M.; Tanase, L. C.; Schmidt, T.; Genuzio, F.; Menteş, T. O.; Locatelli, A.; Imbihl, R.: Coupling of morphological instability and kinetic instability: Chemical waves in hydrogen oxidation on a bimetallic Ni/Rh(111) surface. Physical Review Materials 5 (4), 045002 (2021)
Journal Article
Røst, H. I.; Chellappan, R. K.; Strand, F. S.; Grubišić-Čabo, A.; Reed, B. P.; Prieto, M.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Wongpinij, T.; Euaruksakul, C. et al.; Schmidt, T.; Tadich, A.; Cowie, B. C. C.; Li, Z.; Cooil, S. P.; Wells, J. W.: Low-Temperature Growth of Graphene on a Semiconductor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (7), pp. 4243 - 4252 (2021)
Journal Article
Lewandowski, A.; Tosoni, S.; Gura, L.; Yang, Z.; Fuhrich, A.; Prieto, M.; Schmidt, T.; Usvyat, D.; Schneider, W.-D.; Heyde, M. et al.; Pacchioni, G.; Freund, H.-J.: Growth and Atomic‐Scale Characterization of Ultrathin Silica and Germania Films: The Crucial Role of the Metal Support. Chemistry – A European Journal 27 (6), pp. 1870 - 1885 (2021)
Journal Article
Klemm, H.; Prieto, M.; Xiong, F.; Hassine, G. B.; Heyde, M.; Menzel, D.; Sierka, M.; Schmidt, T.; Freund, H.-J.: A Silica Bilayer Supported on Ru(0001): Following the Crystalline-to Vitreous Transformation in Real Time with Spectro‐microscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (26), pp. 10587 - 10593 (2020)
Journal Article
Klemm, H.; Prieto, M.; Xiong, F.; Hassine, G. B.; Heyde, M.; Menzel, D.; Sierka, M.; Schmidt, T.; Freund, H.-J.: A Silica Bilayer Supported on Ru(0001): Following the Crystalline-to Vitreous Transformation in Real Time with Spectro‐Microscopy. Angewandte Chemie 132 (26), pp. 10674 - 10680 (2020)
Journal Article
Silvestri, F.; Prieto, M.; Babuji, A.; Tanase, L. C.; Caldas, L. d. S.; Solomeshch, O.; Schmidt, T.; Ocal, C.; Barrena, E.: Impact of Nanomorphology on Surface Doping of Organic Semiconductors: The Pentacene-C60F48 Interface. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (22), pp. 25444 - 25452 (2020)
Journal Article
Schweinar, K.; Beeg, S.; Hartwig, C.; Rajamathi, C. R.; Kasian, O.; Piccinin, S.; Prieto, M.; Tanase, L. C.; Gottlob, D. M.; Schmidt, T. et al.; Raabe, D.; Schlögl, R.; Gault, B.; Jones, T.; Greiner, M. T.: Formation of a 2D Meta-stable Oxide by Differential Oxidation of AgCu Alloys. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (20), pp. 23595 - 23605 (2020)
Journal Article
Freund, H.-J.; Heyde, M.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Nilius, N.; Risse, T.; Schmidt, T.; Shaikhutdinov, S. K.; Sterrer, M.: Chapter model systems in heterogeneous catalysis at the atomic level: a personal view. Science China Chemistry 63 (4), pp. 426 - 447 (2020)
Journal Article
Klemm, H.; Prieto, M.; Peschel, G.; Fuhrich, A.; Madej, E.; Xiong, F.; Menzel, D.; Schmidt, T.; Freund, H.-J.: Formation and Evolution of Ultrathin Silica Polymorphs on Ru(0001) Studied with Combined in Situ, Real-Time Methods. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (13), pp. 8228 - 8243 (2019)
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