Publications of Hebatallah Ali

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Türk, H.; Tran, X. Q.; König, P.; Hammud, A.; Vibhu, V.; Schmidt, F.; Berger, D.; Selve, S.; Roddatis, V.; Abou-Ras, D. et al.; Girgsdies, F.; Chan, Y.-T.; Götsch, T.; Ali, H.; Vinke, I. C.; de Haart, L.G.J. (.; Lehmann, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Reuter, K.; Eichel, R.-A.; Scheurer, C.; Lunkenbein, T.: Boon and Bane of Local Solid State Chemistry on the Performance of LSM-Based Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells. Advanced Energy Materials, 2405599 (2024)
Journal Article
Mason, P. E.; Schewe, H. C.; Buttersack, T.; Kostal, V.; Vitek, M.; McMullen, R. S.; Ali, H.; Trinter, F.; Lee, C.; Neumark, D. M. et al.; Thürmer, S.; Seidel, R.; Winter, B.; Bradforth, S. E.; Jungwirth, P.: Spectroscopic evidence for a gold-coloured metallic water solution. Nature 595 (7869), pp. 673 - 676 (2021)
Journal Article
Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Hergenhahn, U.; Ghrist, A.; Ali, H.; Nicolas, C.; Saak, C.-M.; Richter, C.; Hartweg, S.; Nahon, L. et al.; Lee, C.; Goy, C.; Neumark, D. M.; Meijer, G.; Wilkinson, I.; Winter, B.; Thürmer, S.: Low-energy constraints on photoelectron spectra measured from liquid water and aqueous solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (14), pp. 8246 - 8260 (2021)
Journal Article
Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Hergenhahn, U.; Ghrist, A.; Ali, H.; Nicolas, C.; Saak, C.-M.; Richter, C.; Hartweg, S.; Nahon, L. et al.; Lee, C.; Goy, C.; Neumark, D. M.; Meijer, G.; Wilkinson, I.; Winter, B.; Thürmer, S.: Front cover: Low-energy constraints on photoelectron spectra measured from liquid water and aqueous solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (14), p. 8077 - 8077 (2021)
Journal Article
Buttersack, T.; Mason, P. E.; McMullen, R. S.; Schewe, H. C.; Martinek, T.; Brezina, K.; Crhan, M.; Gomez, A.; Hein, D.; Wartner, G. et al.; Seidel, R.; Ali, H.; Thürmer, S.; Marsalek, O.; Winter, B.; Bradforth, S. E.; Jungwirth, P.: Photoelectron spectra of alkali metal-ammonia microjets: From blue electrolyte to bronze metal. Science 368 (6495), pp. 1086 - 1091 (2020)
Journal Article
Ali, H.; Golnak, R.; Seidel, R.; Winter, B.; Xiao, J.: In-Situ X-ray Spectroscopy of the Electric Double Layer around TiO2 Nanoparticles Dispersed in Aqueous Solution: Implications for H2 Generation. ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (1), pp. 264 - 273 (2020)
Journal Article
Ali, H.; Seidel, R.; Bergmann, A.; Winter, B.: Cover: Electronic structure of aqueous-phase anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles probed by liquid jet photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (12), p. 6575 - 6575 (2019)
Journal Article
Ali, H.; Seidel, R.; Bergmann, A.; Winter, B.: Electronic structure of aqueous-phase anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles probed by liquid jet photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (12), pp. 6665 - 6675 (2019)
Journal Article
Buttersack, T.; Mason, P. E.; McMullen, R. S.; Martinek, T.; Brezina, K.; Hein, D.; Ali, H.; Kolbeck, C.; Schewe, H. C.; Malerz, S. et al.; Winter, B.; Seidel, R.; Marsalek, O.; Jungwirth, P.; Bradforth., S. E.: Valence and Core-Level X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of a Liquid Ammonia Microjet. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (5), pp. 1838 - 1841 (2019)
Journal Article
Pohl, M. N.; Muchová, E.; Seidel, R.; Ali, H.; Sršeň, Š.; Wilkinson, I.; Winter, B.; Slavíček, P.: Do water's electrons care about electrolytes? Chemical Science 10 (3), pp. 848 - 865 (2019)
Journal Article
Ali, H.; Seidel, R.; Pohl, M. N.; Winter, B.: Molecular species forming at the α-Fe2O3 nanoparticle-aqueous solution interface. Chemical Science 9 (19), pp. 4511 - 4523 (2018)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Ali, H.: Liquid-Jet Photoemission Studies of the Interface between Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles and Aqueous Solution. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Berlin (2020)
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