Publications of Dirk Schneider
All genres
Journal Article (13)
Journal Article
11 (4), 254 (2021)
The Bacteriostatic Activity of 2-Phenylethanol Derivatives Correlates with Membrane Binding Affinity. Membranes 2.
Journal Article
3 (1), 595 (2020)
IM30 IDPs form a membrane-protective carpet upon super-complex disassembly. Communications Biology 3.
Journal Article
15 (10), pp. 1079 - 1083 (2016)
Nonlinear control of high-frequency phonons in spider silk. Nature Materials 4.
Journal Article
2 (4), pp. 434 - 441 (2015)
Ultrastrong composites from dopamine modified-polymer-infiltrated colloidal crystals. Materials Horizons 5.
Journal Article
113 (20), 205503 (2014)
Anisotropic Hypersonic Phonon Propagation in Films of Aligned Ellipsoids. Physical Review Letters 6.
Journal Article
3 (10), pp. 1059 - 1063 (2014)
Role of Polymer Graft Architecture on the Acoustic Eigenmode Formation in Densely Polymer-Tethered Colloidal Particles. ACS Macro Letters 7.
Journal Article
8 (8), pp. 8163 - 8173 (2014)
Controlling the Thermomechanical Behavior of Nanoparticle/Polymer Films. ACS Nano 8.
Journal Article
9 (38), pp. 9129 - 9136 (2013)
Elongated polystyrene spheres as resonant building blocks in anisotropic colloidal crystals. Soft Matter 9.
Journal Article
111 (16), 164301 (2013)
Defect-Controlled Hypersound Propagation in Hybrid Superlattices. Physical Review Letters 10.
Journal Article
9 (47), pp. 11334 - 11345 (2013)
Self-assembly beyond semifluorinated alkanes in a semifluorinated benzene derivative. Soft Matter 11.
Journal Article
11 (4), pp. 337 - 343 (2012)
Ultrastable nanostructured polymer glasses. Nature Materials 12.
Journal Article
8 (15), pp. 4235 - 4243 (2012)
Vibration spectroscopy of weakly interacting mesoscopic colloids. Soft Matter 13.
Journal Article
12 (6), pp. 3101 - 3108 (2012)
Engineering the Hypersonic Phononic Band Gap of Hybrid Bragg Stacks. Nano Letters Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
246, 429-COLL. 246th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Indianapolis, IN, September 08, 2013 - September 12, 2013. (2013)
Directed assembly of oriented ellipsoidal colloids to control acoustic phonon transport. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Hypersonic phonon propagation in mesoscopic systems by Brillouin spectroscopy. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2013)