Publications of Suhao Wang
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
24 (47), pp. 7530 - 7537 (2014)
Ortho- vs Bay-Functionalization: A Comparative Study on Tetracyano-Terrylenediimides. Advanced Functional Materials 2.
Journal Article
19 (25), pp. 8117 - 8128 (2013)
Columnar Self-Assembly in Electron-Deficient Heterotriangulenes. Chemistry-a European Journal 3.
Journal Article
7 (4), pp. 3598 - 3606 (2013)
Electrochemically Exfoliated Graphene as Solution-Processable, Highly Conductive Electrodes for Organic Electronics. ACS Nano 4.
Journal Article
24 (3), pp. 417 - 420 (2012)
Organic Field-Effect Transistors based on Highly Ordered Single Polymer Fibers. Advanced Materials 5.
Journal Article
134 (9), pp. 4015 - 4018 (2012)
Microstructure Evolution and Device Performance in Solution-Processed Polymeric Field-Effect Transistors: The Key Role of the First Monolayer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 6.
Journal Article
22 (47), pp. 24827 - 24831 (2012)
Nanofiber growth and alignment in solution processed n-type naphthalene-diimide-based polymeric field-effect transistors. Journal of Materials Chemistry 7.
Journal Article
13 (22), pp. 6062 - 6065 (2011)
Making Benzotrithiophene a Stronger Electron Donor. Organic Letters 8.
Journal Article
7 (20), pp. 2841 - 2846 (2011)
Self-Assembly and Microstructural Control of a Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene-Perylene Diimide Dyad by Solvent Vapor Diffusion. Small 9.
Journal Article
23 (22), pp. 4960 - 4964 (2011)
Microribbon Field-Effect Transistors Based on Dithieno[2,3-d;2,3 '-d]benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b ']dithiophene Processed by Solvent Vapor Diffusion. Chemistry of Materials 10.
Journal Article
12 (9), pp. 1648 - 1651 (2011)
Dip-Coating-Induced Fiber Growth of a Soluble Heterotriangulene. ChemPhysChem 11.
Journal Article
: Portable ultrafast blue light sources designed with frequency doubling in KTP and KNbO3. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10 (6), pp. 1268 - 1276 (2004)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Control over microstructure evolution and device performance in solution processable organic field-effect transistors. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2013)