Publications of Marie-Luise Frey
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
25 (11), pp. 7108 - 7122 (2024)
Process Control of Multistep Surface Functionalization on Hydroxyethyl Starch Nanocapsules Determines the Reproducibility of the Biological Efficacy. Biomacromolecules 2.
Journal Article
18 (15), 2106094 (2022)
Nanocarriers Made of Proteins: Intracellular Visualization of a Smart Biodegradable Drug Delivery System. Small 3.
Journal Article
21 (4), pp. 1591 - 1598 (2021)
Brush Conformation of Polyethylene Glycol Determines the Stealth Effect of Nanocarriers in the Low Protein Adsorption Regime. Nano Letters 4.
Journal Article
11 (23), pp. 3821 - 3830 (2020)
Bio-orthogonal triazolinedione (TAD) crosslinked protein nanocapsules affect protein adsorption and cell interaction. Polymer Chemistry 5.
Journal Article
9 (9), 2087 (2020)
Multivalency Beats Complexity: A Study on the Cell Uptake of Carbohydrate Functionalized Nanocarriers to Dendritic Cells. Cells 6.
Journal Article
19 (10), 1900145 (2019)
Covalently Binding of Bovine Serum Albumin to Unsaturated Poly(Globalide-Co-ε-Caprolactone) Nanoparticles by Thiol-Ene Reactions. Macromolecular Bioscience Meeting Abstract (2)
Meeting Abstract
32 (4), P137, p. E68 - E68. Wiley (2023)
STAT3 inhibitor-loaded nanocapsules and particles decrease IL-10-and STAT3-mediated tolerance mechanisms. In Experimental Dermatology: an International Journal for Rapid Publication of Short Reports in Experimental Dermatology, 8.
Meeting Abstract
257, 362. National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Orlando, FL, USA, March 31, 2019 - April 04, 2019. ACS, Washington DC, USA (2019)
Glycodendron modified HES nanocapsules for targeting of dendritic cells. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Selective surface functionalization and cell uptake of reproducibly synthesized biocompatible nanocapsules. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2021)