
Publications of Kim Greis

Journal Article (34)

Journal Article
Dahlmann, F.; Griesbach, C. E.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Helden, G. v.; Peczuh, M. W.; Pagel, K.; Greis, K.: Direct Experimental Characterization of a Sialyl Cation. Chemistry – A European Journal 31 (7), e202403724 (2025)
Journal Article
Safferthal, M.; Greis, K.; Chang, R.; Chang, C.-W.; Hoffmann, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: The impact of side-chain fluorination on proton-bound phenylalanine dimers: a cryogenic infrared spectroscopic study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (44), pp. 28155 - 28160 (2024)
Journal Article
Chang, C.-W.; Greis, K.; Prabhu, G. R. D.; Wehner, D.; Kirschbaum, C.; Ober, K.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Leichnitz, S.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v. et al.; Seeberger, P. H.; Pagel, K.: Mechanistic insight into benzylidene-directed glycosylation reactions using cryogenic infrared spectroscopy. Nature Synthesis 3, pp. 1377 - 1384 (2024)
Journal Article
Kirschbaum, C.; Greis, K.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Riedel, J.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Studying the Intrinsic Reactivity of Chromanes by Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 35 (8), pp. 1950 - 1958 (2024)
Journal Article
Kontodimas, V.; Yaman, M.; Greis, K.; Lettow, M.; Pagel, K.; Marianski, M.: Reinvestigation of the internal glycan rearrangement of Lewis a and blood group type H1 epitopes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (19), pp. 14160 - 14170 (2024)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Kirschbaum, C.; Ober, K.; Taccone, M.; Torres-Boy, A. Y.; Meijer, G.; Pagel, K.; Helden, G. v.: Infrared Spectroscopy of Fluorenyl Cations at Cryogenic Temperatures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (50), pp. 11313 - 11317 (2023)
Journal Article
Safferthal, M.; Greis, K.; Chang, R.; Kirschbaum, C.; Hoffmann, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Cryogenic infrared spectroscopy reveals remarkably short NH+⋯F hydrogen bonds in fluorinated phenylalanines. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (36), pp. 24783 - 24788 (2023)
Journal Article
Lutomski, C. A.; El-Baba, T. J.; Hinkle, J. D.; Liko, I.; Bennett, J. L.; Kalmankar, N. V.; Dolan, A.; Kirschbaum, C.; Greis, K.; Urner, L. H. et al.; Kapoor, P.; Yen, H.-Y.; Pagel, K.; Mullen, C.; Syka, J. E. P.; Robinson, C. V.: Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Enables Top-Down Characterization of Membrane Protein Complexes and G Protein-Coupled Receptors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (36), e202305694 (2023)
Journal Article
Lettow, M.; Greis, K.; Mucha, E.; Lambeth, T. R.; Yaman, M.; Kontodimas, V.; Manz, C.; Hoffmann, W.; Meijer, G.; Julian, R. R. et al.; Helden, G. v.; Marianski, M. R.; Pagel, K.: Decoding the Fucose Migration Product during Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Blood Group Epitopes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (24), e202302883 (2023)
Journal Article
Stropoli, S. J.; Greis, K.; Schleif, T.; Johnson, M. A.: Characterization of Oxidation Products from HOCl Uptake by Microhydrated Methionine Anions using Cryogenic Ion Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127 (19), pp. 4269 - 4276 (2023)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Griesbach, C. E.; Kirschbaum, C.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.; Peczuh, M. W.: Characterization and Fate of a Septanosyl Ferrier Cation in the Gas and Solution Phases. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 88 (9), pp. 5543 - 5553 (2023)
Journal Article
Kirschbaum, C.; Young, R. S. E.; Greis, K.; Menzel, J. P.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Causon, T.; Narreddula, V. R. et al.; Poad, B. L. J.; Blanksby, S. J.; Pagel, K.: Establishing carbon-carbon double bond position and configuration in unsaturated fatty acids by gas-phase infrared spectroscopy. Chemical Science 14 (10), pp. 2518 - 2527 (2023)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Leichnitz, S.; Kirschbaum, C.; Chang, C.-W.; Lin, M.-H.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Seeberger, P. H.; Pagel, K.: The Influence of the Electron Density in Acyl Protecting Groups on the Selectivity of Galactose Formation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (44), pp. 20258 - 20266 (2022)
Journal Article
Khuu, T.; Stropoli, S. J.; Greis, K.; Yang, N.; Johnson, M. A.: Microhydration of the metastable N-Protomer of 4-Aminobenzoic acid by condensation at 80 K: H/D exchange without conversion to the more stable O-protomer. The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (13), 131102 (2022)
Journal Article
Perez, E. H.; Schleif, T.; Messinger, J. P.; Buxó, A. G. R.; Moss, O. C.; Greis, K.; Johnson, M. A.: Structures and Chemical Rearrangements of Benzoate Derivatives Following Gas Phase Decarboxylation. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 33 (10), pp. 1914 - 1920 (2022)
Journal Article
Kirschbaum, C.; Greis, K.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Cryogenic infrared spectroscopy provides mechanistic insight into the fragmentation of phospholipid silver adducts. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414 (18), pp. 5275 - 5285 (2022)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Kirschbaum, C.; Taccone, M.; Götze, M.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Studying the Key Intermediate of RNA Autohydrolysis by Cryogenic Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (19), e202115481 (2022)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Kirschbaum, C.; Taccone, M.; Götze, M.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Meijer, G.; Helden, G. v.; Pagel, K.: Untersuchung des reaktiven Intermediats der RNA Autohydrolyse mittels kryogener Infrarotspektroskopie in der Gasphase. Angewandte Chemie 134 (19), e202115481 (2022)
Journal Article
Grabarics, M.; Lettow, M.; Kirschbaum, C.; Greis, K.; Manz, C.; Pagel, K.: Mass Spectrometry-Based Techniques to Elucidate the Sugar Code. Chemical Reviews 122 (8), pp. 7840 - 7908 (2022)
Journal Article
Greis, K.; Kirschbaum, C.; Fittolani, G.; Mucha, E.; Chang, R.; Helden, G. v.; Meijer, G.; Delbianco, M.; Seeberger, P. H.; Pagel, K.: Neighboring Group Participation of Benzoyl Protecting Groups in C3- and C6-Fluorinated Glucose. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022 (15), e202200255 (2022)
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