Publications of F. Liu
All genres
Journal Article (17)
Journal Article
15 (2021)
Water-driven microbial nitrogen transformations in biological soil crusts causing atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions. The ISME Journal 2.
Journal Article
21 (13), pp. 10439 - 10455 (2021)
Aqueous-phase reactive species formed by fine particulate matter from remote forests and polluted urban air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
Journal Article
9 (20), pp. 11077 - 11081 (2019)
Antioxidant activity of cerium dioxide nanoparticles and nanorods in scavenging hydroxyl radicals. RSC Advances 4.
Journal Article
11 (19), pp. 9769 - 9779 (2019)
Nanoscale distribution of TLR4 on primary human macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATI. Nanoscale 5.
Journal Article
53 (21), pp. 12506 - 12518 (2019)
Radical Formation by Fine Particulate Matter Associated with Highly Oxygenated Molecules. Environmental Science & Technology 6.
Journal Article
9, 3174 (2019)
Nitration of Wheat Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors Increases Their Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulatory Potential in vitro. Frontiers in immunology 7.
Journal Article
214, pp. 410 - 417 (2018)
Saccharides in summer and winter PM2.5 over Xi'an, Northwestern China: Sources, and yearly variations of biomass burning contribution to PM2.5. Atmospheric Research 8.
Journal Article
9 (2), 62 (2018)
Day-Night Differences, Seasonal Variations and Source Apportionment of PM10-Bound PAHs over Xi'an, Northwest China. Atmosphere 9.
Journal Article
409 (9), pp. 2411 - 2420 (2017)
Release of free amino acids upon oxidation of peptides and proteins by hydroxyl radicals. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 10.
Journal Article
200, pp. 413 - 427 (2017)
Atmospheric protein chemistry influenced by anthropogenic air pollutants: nitration and oligomerization upon exposure to ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Faraday Discussions 11.
Journal Article
1495, pp. 76 - 82 (2017)
Simultaneous determination of nitrated and oligomerized proteins by size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to photodiode array detection. Journal of Chromatography A 12.
Journal Article
51 (8), pp. 4119 - 4141 (2017)
Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Allergies in the Anthropocene: Abundance, Interaction, and Modification of Allergens and Adjuvants. Environmental Science & Technology 13.
Journal Article
51 (12), pp. 6773 - 6781 (2017)
Proteins and Amino Acids in Fine Particulate Matter in Rural Guangzhou, Southern China: Seasonal Cycles, Sources, and Atmospheric Processes. Environmental Science & Technology 14.
Journal Article
408 (23), pp. 6337 - 6348 (2016)
Metaproteomic analysis of atmospheric aerosol samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 15.
Journal Article
16 (3), pp. 1761 - 1771 (2016)
Hydroxyl radicals from secondary organic aerosol decomposition in water. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16.
Journal Article
153, pp. 332 - 339 (2016)
Non-polar organic compounds in marine aerosols over the northern South China Sea: Influence of continental outflow. Chemosphere 17.
Journal Article
49 (18), pp. 10859 - 10866 (2015)
Protein Cross-Linking and Oligomerization through Dityrosine Formation upon Exposure to Ozone. Environmental Science & Technology Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Nitrogen cycling in biological soil crusts; microbial transformation processes and atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions. In EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. (2022)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Chemical Modification of Proteins by Air Pollutants and Metaproteomic Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosol Samples by HPLC-MS Analyses. Dissertation, Universität, Mainz (2017)
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Reactive species formed upon interaction of water with fine particulate matter from remote forest and polluted urban air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)