Publications of Domenik Prozeller
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
4, pp. 53 - 62 (2021)
Complex coacervation of food grade antimicrobial lauric arginate with lambda carrageenan. Current Research in Food Science 2.
Journal Article
12 (4), pp. 2626 - 2637 (2020)
Controlling protein interactions in blood for effective liver immunosuppressive therapy by silica nanocapsules. Nanoscale 3.
Journal Article
15 (3), 031009 (2020)
Immunoglobulins on the surface of differently charged polymer nanoparticles. Biointerphases 4.
Journal Article
11 (41), pp. 19265 - 19273 (2019)
Isothermal titration calorimetry as a complementary method for investigating nanoparticle-protein interactions. Nanoscale 5.
Journal Article
6 (10), 1802199 (2019)
Prevention of Dominant IgG Adsorption on Nanocarriers in IgG-Enriched Blood Plasma by Clusterin Precoating. Advanced Science 6.
Journal Article
71, pp. 420 - 431 (2018)
Beyond the protein corona - lipids matter for biological response of nanocarriers. Acta Biomaterialia 7.
Journal Article
115, pp. 1 - 8 (2017)
Coating nanoparticles with tunable surfactants facilitates control over the protein corona. Biomaterials Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
The immune system dependency of the protein corona. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2019)