Who We Are

Who We Are

Dr. Seah Ling Kuan

Dr. Seah Ling Kuan

Group Leader
My group is interested to develop new synthetic methodologies in complex environment and prepare biopolymers with catalytic functions to find new treatments for devastating diseases such as lung cancer and infectious diseases.
Dr. Dominik Schauenburg

Dr. Dominik Schauenburg

Postdoctoral scientist
Chemistry in Life-like Environment
I would like to develop and investigate chemistries in life-like environment or in vivo
Dr. Maria Silva

Dr. Maria Silva

Postdoctoral scientist
Devising Biotherapeutics for Metastatic Cancer and MS-imaging of TME
I would like to design novel bioconjugation tools, devise advanced biotherapeutics that address metastatic niches and study their impact on the tumor microenvironment in spheroids by MS-imaging.
Dr. Tianjiao Zhou

Dr. Tianjiao Zhou

Postdoctoral Fellow
Yulian Cheng

Yulian Cheng

PhD student (CSC Scholar)
I am interested to carry out new chemistries using the unique chemical features in the TME to develop cancer therapy
Bingjie Gao

Bingjie Gao

PhD student (CSC Scholar)
Devising New Cancer Treatment Concept by Chemical Design
I am designing multifunctional protein and peptide conjugates that can either act as bispecifics or for combination therapy to address metastatic niche in breast cancer bone metastasis.
Lifan Hu

Lifan Hu

PhD student (CSC Scholar)
Multimodal Approach for Regulation of Tumor Microenvironment
I am interested in designing multimodal system which includes novel enzyme and chemotherapy for regulating cancer metabolism and remodeling tumor microenvironment.
Bellinda Lantzberg

Bellinda Lantzberg

PhD student
Dynamic Covalent Biomacromolecular Therapeutics for Oncotherapy
I am developing new strategies to prepare responsive protein conjugates using dynamic covalent chemistry to control their delivery and release in the tumor (immune) microenvironment.
Wenwu Peng

Wenwu Peng

PhD student (CSC Scholar)
I would like to devise polymeric materials that creates light and self-activates for photodynamic therapy (PDT) to kill circulating tumor cells and prevent cancer metastasis.

Bachelor and Masters

Charlotte Schäfers
mentored by Bingjie Gao)


Visiting Scientist

Prof. Dr. Fernando Bergamini (Adjunct Professor, Federal University of Uberlândia)

Postdocs and Graduate Students

Dr. Bikram Agrawalla (Postdoc) - Scientist, Roche
Assoc. Prof. Liu Fang (Postdoc) - Associate Professor, Guangzhou Chinese University of Medicine
Assoc. Prof. Wang Tao (Postdoc) - Associate Professor, Institute of Urban Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Jessica Thomas (PhD) - Site leader, Perkin Elmer
Dr. Maksymilian Zegota (PhD) - Scientist, Coriolis Pharma
Dr. Lujuan Xu (PhD, Postdoc) - Junior PI, Institute of Medicine,  Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou
Dr. Marco Raabe (Masters and Bachelor) - JSPS-Humboldt Fellow, Kyoto University
Dr. Pascal Heitel (Masters) - Postdoc, University of Oxford
Astrid Heck (PhD and Masters) - Scientist, Boehringer Ingelheim
Michael Mueller (PhD and Masters)
Darijan Schüler (PhD)
Dr. Leona Lucas Rodrigues (Masters)
Dr. Daniel Kodura (Masters, mentored by Michael Mueller)
Siska Führer (Masters and Bachelor, mentored by Astrid Heck) - PhD, MPI-Dortmund
Johannes Schefer (Masters)
Jan Michael Zoppelt (Masters, mentored by Dominik Schauenburg)
Eduard Edel (Masters, mentored by Dominik Schauenburg)

Bachelor, Interns and Exchange Students

Dr. Sybil Obuobi (Otto Bayer PhD Exchange Student)
Diana Moura (Eramus) 
Andreas Pielmeier (MSc Internship, mentored by Dominik Schauenburg)
Anne Blank (Bachelor)
Alexander Mengele (Bachelor)
Achim Keidel (Bachelor)
Konstantin Schneider-Heieck (Bachelor)
Maximillian Zecher (Bachelor)
Aaron Kwiatkowski (Bachelor, mentored by Dominik Schauenburg)
Kilian Gallo (Bachelor, mentored by Bellinda Lantzberg)
Lena Hammerschmidt (Bachelor, mentored by Bellinda Lantzberg)

"[Science is] an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery."
-Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood (1897-1967) English chemist. Nobel prize 1956.

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