Publications of Wieland Schöllkopf

Journal Article (113)

Journal Article
Song, X.; Fagiani, M. R.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Asmis, K. R.; Bischoff, F. A.; Berger, F.; Sauer, J.: Gas phase structures and charge localization in small aluminum oxide anions: Infrared photodissociation spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (24), 244305 (2016)
Journal Article
Weichman, M. L.; Song, X.; Fagiani, M. R.; Debnath, S.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Neumark, D. M.; Amis, K. R.: Gas phase vibrational spectroscopy of cold (TiO2)̅n (n = 3–8) clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (12), 124308 (2016)
Journal Article
Zhao, B. S.; Zhang, W.; Schöllkopf, W.: Universal diffraction of atoms and molecules from a quantum reflection grating. Science Advances 2 (3), e1500901 (2016)
Journal Article
Gonzalez Florez, A. I.; Mucha, E.; Ahn, D.-S.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Pagel, K.; Helden, G. v.: Charge-induced unzipping of isolated proteins to a defined secondary structure. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (10), pp. 3295 - 3299 (2016)
Journal Article
Gonzalez Florez, A. I.; Mucha, E.; Ahn, D.-S.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Pagel, K.; Helden, G. v.: Charge-induced unzipping of isolated proteins to a defined secondary structure. Angewandte Chemie 128 (10), pp. 3356 - 3360 (2016)
Journal Article
Truong, N. X.; Härtelt, M.; Jaeger, B. K. A.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Fielicke, A.; Dopfer, O.: Characterization of neutral boron-silicon clusters using infrared spectroscopy: The case of Si6B. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 395, pp. 1 - 6 (2016)
Journal Article
Helden, G. v.; Schöllkopf, W.; Pagel, K.: Strukturen von Peptidaggregaten erforscht mit dem neuen Freie-Elektronen-Laser des Fritz-Haber-Instituts. Jahrbuch / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 9950614 (2016)
Journal Article
Gonzalez Florez, A. I.; Ahn, D.-S.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Helden, G. v.: IR spectroscopy of protonated leu-enkephalin and its 18-crown-6 complex embedded in helium droplets. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (34), pp. 21902 - 21911 (2015)
Journal Article
Paarmann, A.; Razdolski, I.; Melnikov, A.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Wolf, M.: Second harmonic generation spectroscopy in the Reststrahl band of SiC using an infrared free-electron laser. Applied Physics Letters 107 (8), 081101 (2015)
Journal Article
Kunitski, M.; Zeller, S.; Voigtsberger, J.; Kalinin, A.; Schmidt, L. P. H.; Schöffler, M.; Czasch, A.; Schöllkopf, W.; Grisenti, R. E.; Jahnke, T. et al.; Blume, D.; Dörner, R.: Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer. Science 348 (6234), pp. 551 - 555 (2015)
Journal Article
Warnke, S.; Seo, J.; Boschmans, J.; Sobott, F.; Scrivens, J. H.; Bleiholder, C.; Bowers, M. T.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Pagel, K. et al.; Helden, G. v.: Protomers of Benzocaine: Solvent and Permittivity Dependence. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (12), pp. 4236 - 4242 (2015)
Journal Article
Kunitski, M.; Zeller, S.; Voigtsberger, J.; Kalinin, A.; Schmidt, L. P. H.; Schöffler, M.; Czasch, A.; Schöllkopf, W.; Grisenti, R. E.; Jahnke, T. et al.; Blume, D.; Dörner, R.: Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (11), 112096 (2015)
Journal Article
Fournier, J. A.; Wolke, C. T.; Johnson, C. J.; Johnson, M. A.; Heine, N.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Esser, T.; Fagiani, M. R.; Knorke, H. et al.; Asmis, K. R.: Site-specific vibrational spectral signatures of water molecules in the magic H3O+(H2O)20 and Cs+(H2O)20 clusters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111 (51), pp. 18132 - 18137 (2014)
Journal Article
Miller, G. B. S.; Esser, T.; Knorke, H.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Heine, N.; Amis, K. R.; Uggerud, E.: Spectroscopic Identification of a Bidentate Binding Motif in the Anionic Magnesium-CO2 Complex ([ClMgCO2]). Angewandte Chemie 126 (52), pp. 14635 - 14638 (2014)
Journal Article
Miller, G. B. S.; Esser, T.; Knorke, H.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Heine, N.; Asmis, K. R.; Uggerud, E.: Spectroscopic Identification of a Bidentate Binding Motif in the Anionic Magnesium-CO2 Complex ([ClMgCO2]). Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (52), pp. 14407 - 14410 (2014)
Journal Article
Voigtsberger, J.; Zeller, S.; Becht, J.; Neumann, N.; Sturm, F.; Kim, H.-K.; Waitz, M.; Trinter, F.; Kunitski, M.; Kalinin, A. et al.; Wu, J.; Schöllkopf, W.; Bressanini, D.; Czasch, A.; Williams, J.; Ullmann-Pfleger, K.; Schmidt, L.; Schöffler, M.; Grisenti, R.; Jahnke, T.; Dörner, R.: Imaging the structure of the trimer systems 4He3 and 3He4He2. Nature Communications 5 (12), 5765 (2014)
Journal Article
Schöllkopf, W.: Mit Kanonen auf Tröpfchen. Physik Journal 13 (11), pp. 22 - 23 (2014)
Journal Article
Voigtsberger, J.; Becht, J.; Neumann, N.; Sturm, F.; Kunitski, M.; Kalinin, A.; Wu, J.; Zeller, S.; Schöffler, M.; Schöllkopf, W. et al.; Bressanini, D.; Czasch, A.; Schmidt, L. P. H.; Grisenti, R.; Jahnke, T.; Dörner, R.: Experimental observation of the vibrational wavefunction of 4He2, 4He3 and 4He23He using strong laser-fields. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (13), 132024 (2014)
Journal Article
Zhao, B. S.; Zhang, W.; Schöllkopf, W.: Non-destructive quantum reflection of helium dimers and trimers from a plane ruled grating. Molecular Physics 111 (12-13), pp. 1772 - 1780 (2013)
Journal Article
Zhao, B. S.; Schöllkopf, W.: Fundamental physics: Molecules star in quantum movie. Nature Nanotechnology 7 (5), pp. 277 - 278 (2012)
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