Publications of Wolfgang Knoll

Journal Article (593)

Journal Article
Schiller, S. M.; Kambhampati, D.; Stengel, G.; Dolderer, J.; Nielsen, P. E.; Förch, R.; Knoll, W.: "Plastic Trash goes Biohybrid" - Rapid and Selective Functionalization of Inert Plastic Surfaces with Biomolecules. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 211 (2), pp. 222 - 228 (2010)
Journal Article
Sinner, E.-K.; Ritz, S.; Wang, Y.; Dostalek, J.; Jonas, U.; Knoll, W.: Molecularly controlled functional architectures. Materials Today 13 (4), pp. 46 - 55 (2010)
Journal Article
Wang, Y.; Huang, C. J.; Jonas, U.; Wei, T. X.; Dostalek, J.; Knoll, W.: Biosensor based on hydrogel optical waveguide spectroscopy. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25 (7), pp. 1663 - 1668 (2010)
Journal Article
Yameen, B.; Ali, M.; Alvarez, M.; Neumann, R.; Ensinger, W.; Knoll, W.; Azzaroni, O.: A facile route for the preparation of azide-terminated polymers. "Clicking" polyelectrolyte brushes on planar surfaces and nanochannels. Polymer Chemistry 1 (2), pp. 183 - 192 (2010)
Journal Article
Yameen, B.; Ali, M.; Neumann, R.; Ensinger, W.; Knoll, W.; Azzaroni, O.: Proton-regulated rectified ionic transport through solid-state conical nanopores modified with phosphate-bearing polymer brushes. Chemical Communications 46 (11), pp. 1908 - 1910 (2010)
Journal Article
Yameen, B.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Glasser, G.; Langner, A.; Müller, F.; Gösele, U.; Knoll, W.; Azzaroni, O.: Hybrid Polymer-Silicon Proton Conducting Membranes via a Pore-Filling Surface-Initiated Polymerization Approach. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2 (1), pp. 279 - 287 (2010)
Journal Article
Aulasevich, A.; Roskamp, R. F.; Jonas, U.; Menges, B.; Dostalek, J.; Knoll, W.: Optical Waveguide Spectroscopy for the Investigation of Protein-Functionalized Hydrogel Films. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 30 (9-10), pp. 872 - 877 (2009)
Journal Article
Chu, L. Q.; Knoll, W.; Förch, R.: Plasma polymerized non-fouling thin films for DNA immobilization. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25 (2), pp. 519 - 522 (2009)
Journal Article
Dong, L. J.; Liu, S. H.; Gao, H. T.; Ding, N.; Tremel, W.; Xiong, C. X.; Zhu, Q. M.; Knoll, W.: Self-Assembled FeCo/Gelatin Nanospheres with Rapid Magnetic Response and High Biomolecule-Loading Capacity. Small 5 (10), pp. 1153 - 1157 (2009)
Journal Article
Dostalek, J.; Roskamp, R. F.; Knoll, W.: Coupled long range surface plasmons for the investigation of thin films and interfaces. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 139 (1), pp. 9 - 12 (2009)
Journal Article
Duran, H.; Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Mondeshki, M.; Steinhart, M.; Knoll, W.: Poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) Peptides Confined to Nanoporous Alumina: Pore Diameter Dependence of Self-Assembly and Segmental Dynamics. Macromolecules 42 (8), pp. 2881 - 2885 (2009)
Journal Article
Duran, H.; Ogura, K.; Nakao, K.; Vianna, S. D. B.; Usui, H.; Advincula, R. C.; Knoll, W.: High-Vacuum Vapor Deposition and in Situ Monitoring of N-Carboxy Anhydride Benzyl Glutamate Polymerization. Langmuir 25 (18), pp. 10711 - 10718 (2009)
Journal Article
Fu, J.; Kim, D. H.; Knoll, W.: Aqueous Networks and Toroids of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer with Non-ionic Surfactants. ChemPhysChem 10 (8), pp. 1190 - 1194 (2009)
Journal Article
Grosserueschkamp, M.; Friedrich, M. G.; Plum, M.; Knoll, W.; Naumann, R. L. C.: Electron Transfer Kinetics of Cytochrome c Probed by Time-Resolved Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (8), pp. 2492 - 2497 (2009)
Journal Article
Grosserueschkamp, M.; Nowak, C.; Schach, D.; Schaertl, W.; Knoll, W.; Naumann, R. L. C.: Silver Surfaces with Optimized Surface Enhancement by Self-Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles for Spectroelectrochemical Applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (41), pp. 17698 - 17704 (2009)
Journal Article
Jungblut, M.; Knoll, W.; Thielemann, C.; Pottek, M.: Triangular neuronal networks on microelectrode arrays: an approach to improve the properties of low-density networks for extracellular recording. Biomedical Microdevices 11 (6), pp. 1269 - 1278 (2009)
Journal Article
Lau, K. H. A.; Bang, J.; Hawker, C. J.; Kim, D. H.; Knoll, W.: Modulation of Protein-Surface Interactions on Nanopatterned Polymer Films. Biomacromolecules 10 (5), pp. 1061 - 1066 (2009)
Journal Article
Lau, K. H. A.; Duran, H.; Knoll, W.: In situ Characterization of N-Carboxy Anhydride Polymerization in Nanoporous Anodic Alumina. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (10), pp. 3179 - 3189 (2009)
Journal Article
Leitch, J.; Kunze, J.; Goddard, J. D.; Schwan, A. L.; Faragher, R. J.; Naumann, R.; Knoll, W.; Dutcher, J. R.; Lipkowski, J.: In Situ PM-IRRAS Studies of an Archaea Analogue Thiolipid Assembled on a Au(111) Electrode Surface. Langmuir 25 (17), pp. 10354 - 10363 (2009)
Journal Article
Li, Q.; Lau, K. H. A.; Sinner, E.-K.; Kim, D. H.; Knoll, W.: The Effect of Fluid Flow on Selective Protein Adsorption on Polystyrene-block-Poly(methyl methacrylate) Copolymers. Langmuir 25 (20), pp. 12144 - 12150 (2009)
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