Publications of Helmut Kuhlenbeck

Journal Article (101)

Journal Article
Qiu, H.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Bauer, E.; Freund, H.-J.: Gold-Decorated Biphase α-Fe2O3(0001): Activation by CO-Induced Surface Reduction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (13), pp. 8221 - 8227 (2019)
Journal Article
Richter, N. F.; Feiten, F. E.; Pal, J.; Plucienik, A.; Emmez, E.; Shaikhutdinov, S. K.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Risse, T.; Freund, H.-J.; Goikoetxea, I. et al.; Włodarczyk, R.; Sauer, J.: Characterization of Phonon Vibrations of Silica Bilayer Films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (12), pp. 7110 - 7117 (2019)
Journal Article
Silva, W. S.; Stiehler, C.; Soares, E. A.; Bittar, E. M.; Cezar, J. C.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.; Cisternas, E.; Stavale, F.: Hydrogen-induced metallization on the ZnO(0001) surface. Physical Review B 98 (15), 155416 (2018)
Journal Article
Wu, Z.; Plucienik, A.; Liu, Y.; Naschitzki, M.; Wachsmann, W.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Surface action spectroscopy with rare gas messenger atoms. Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (8), 083107 (2018)
Journal Article
Song, X.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Surface Reactivity of Titania–Vanadia Mixed Oxides Under Oxidizing Conditions. Topics in Catalysis 61 (9-11), pp. 792 - 799 (2018)
Journal Article
Wu, Z.; Plucienik, A.; Feiten, F. E.; Naschitzki, M.; Wachsmann, W.; Gewinner, S.; Schöllkopf, W.; Staemmler, V.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Vibrational action spectroscopy of solids: New surface-sensitive technique. Physical Review Letters 119 (13), 136101 (2017)
Journal Article
Abu-Haija, M.; Romanyshyn, Y.; Uhl, A. H. H.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on V2O3(0001). Topics in Catalysis 60 (6-7), pp. 413 - 419 (2017)
Journal Article
Song, X.; Primorac, E.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Effect of vanadium admixing on the surface structure of TiO2(110) under non-oxidizing conditions. Surface Science 653, pp. 181 - 186 (2016)
Journal Article
Primorac, E.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: LEED I/V determination of the structure of a MoO3 monolayer on Au(111): Testing the performance of the CMA-ES evolutionary strategy algorithm, differential evolution, a genetic algorithm and tensor LEED based structural optimization. Surface Science 649, pp. 90 - 100 (2016)
Journal Article
Song, X.; Primorac, E.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Decoupling a Thin Well-Ordered TiO2(110) Layer from a TiO2(110) Substrate with a Ti+Ta Mixed Oxide Interlayer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (15), pp. 8185 - 8190 (2016)
Journal Article
Feiten, F. E.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Reducing the V2O3(0001) surface through electron bombardment – a quantitative structure determination with I/V-LEED. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (4), pp. 3124 - 3130 (2016)
Journal Article
Qiu, H.; Staemmler, V.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Bauer, E.; Freund, H.-J.: Weak thermal reduction of biphase Fe2O3(0001) films grown on Pt(111): Sub-surface Fe2+ formation. Surface Science 641, pp. 30 - 36 (2015)
Journal Article
Feiten, F. E.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Surface Structure of V2O3(0001) – A Combined I/V-LEED + STM Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (40), pp. 22961 - 22969 (2015)
Journal Article
Davis, E.; Zhang, K.; Cui, Y.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Shaikhutdinov, S. K.; Freund, H.-J.: Growth of Fe3O4(001) thin films on Pt(100): Tuning surface termination with an Fe buffer layer. Surface Science 636, pp. 42 - 46 (2015)
Journal Article
Feiten, F. E.; Seifert, J.; Paier, J.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Winter, H.; Sauer, J.; Freund, H.-J.: Surface Structure of V2O3(0001) Revisited. Physical Review Letters 114 (21), 216101 (2015)
Journal Article
Ringleb, F.; Fujimori, Y.; Brown, M. A.; Kaden, W.; Calaza, F.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Sterrer, M.; Freund, H.-J.: The role of exposed silver in CO oxidation over MgO(0 0 1)/Ag(0 0 1) thin films. Catalysis Today 240, Pt. B, pp. 206 - 213 (2015)
Journal Article
Cui, Y.; Pan, Y.; Pascua, L.; Qiu, H.; Stiehler, C.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Nilius, N.; Freund, H.-J.: Evolution of the electronic structure of CaO thin films following Mo interdiffusion at high temperature. Physical Review B 91 (3), 035418 (2015)
Journal Article
Duncan, D.A.; Kreikemeyer-Lorenzo, D.; Primorac, E.; Karslıoğlu, O.; Naschitzki, M.; Unterberger, W.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Woodruff, D.P.: V-doped TiO2(110): Quantitative structure determination using energy scanned photoelectron diffraction. Surface Science 630, pp. 64 - 70 (2014)
Journal Article
Nelin, C. J.; Uhl, F.; Staemmler, V.; Bagus, P. S.; Fujimori, Y.; Sterrer, M.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Surface core-level binding energy shifts for MgO(100). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (40), pp. 21953 - 21956 (2014)
Journal Article
Karslıoğlu, O.; Xin, S.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Freund, H.-J.: Mo+TiO2(110) Mixed Oxide Layer: Structure and Reactivity. Topics in Catalysis 56 (15-17), pp. 1389 - 1403 (2013)
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