Publications of Martin Wolf

Journal Article (270)

Journal Article
Zhu, X.-Y.; White, J. M.; Wolf, M.; Hasselbrink, E.; Ertl, G.: Polarization probe of excitation mechanisms in surface photochemistry. Chemical Physics Letters 176 (5), pp. 459 - 466 (1991)
Journal Article
Wolf, M.; Hasselbrink, E.; White, J.M.; Ertl, G.: The adsorbate state specific photochemistry of dioxygen on Pd(111). The Journal of Chemical Physics 93 (7), pp. 5327 - 5336 (1990)
Journal Article
Hasselbrink, E.; Jakubith, S.; Nettesheim, S.; Wolf, M.; Cassuti, A.; Ertl, G.: Cross sections and NO product state distributions resulting from substrate mediated photodissociation of NO2 adsorbed on Pd(111). The Journal of Chemical Physics 92 (5), pp. 3154 - 3169 (1990)
Journal Article
Wolf, M.; Nettesheim, S.; White, J.M.; Hasselbrink, E.; Ertl, G.: Ultraviolet‐laser induced dissociation and desorption of water adsorbed on Pd(111). The Journal of Chemical Physics 92 (2), pp. 1509 - 1510 (1990)
Journal Article
Bertolo, M.; Jacobi, K.; Nettesheim, S.; Wolf, M.; Hasselbrink, E.: Adsorption of NO on Pd(111). Vacuum 41 (1-3), pp. 76 - 78 (1990)
Journal Article
Hasselbrink, E.; Nettesheim, S.; Wolf, M.; Cassuto, A.; Ertl, G.: Laser induced dissociation of NO2 adsorbed on Pd(111). Vacuum 41 (1-3), pp. 287 - 288 (1990)
Journal Article
Wolf, M.; Loboda-Cackovic, J.; Kambe, K.; Block, J. H.; Grunze, M.: Anomalous electron energy-loss spectra of Ni(430) and a disordering of atomic steps. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (23), pp. 3701 - 3709 (1989)
Journal Article
Wolf, M.; Schotte, K. D.: Ising model with competing next-nearest-neighbour interactions on the Kagome lattice. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 21 (9), pp. 2195 - 2209 (1988)
Journal Article
Wolf, M.; Goschnick, A.; Loboda-Cackovic, J.; Grunze, M.; Unertl, W. N.; Block, J. H.: Leed studies on a clean and contaminated Pd{110} surface. Surface Science 182 (3), pp. 489 - 498 (1987)
Journal Article
Goschnick, A.; Wolf, M.; Unertl, W. N.; Grunze, M.; Block, J. H.; Loboda-Cackovic, J.: Adsorption of O2 on Pd(110). Surface Science 178 (1-3), pp. 831 - 841 (1986)

Book (3)

Hoffmann, D.; Renn, J.; Schmaltz, F.: One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences. Springer, Cham (2017), XI, 408 pp.
Bovensiepen, U.; Petek, H.: Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol. 2: Fundamentals. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2012), 242 pp.
Bovensiepen, U.; Petek, H.; Wolf, M. (Eds.): Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol. I: Current Developments. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2010), XVI, 634 pp.

Book Chapter (5)

Book Chapter
Kampfrath, T.; Battiato, M.; Sell, A.; Freimuth, F.; Leitenstorfer, A.; Wolf, M.; Huber, R.; Oppeneer, P. M.; Münzenberg, M.: Ultrafast Spin Precession and Transport Controlled and Probed with Terahertz Radiation. In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, pp. 324 - 326 (Eds. Bigot, J.-Y.; Hübner, W.; Rasing, T.; Chantrell, R.) (2015)
Book Chapter
Fauster, T.; Petek, H.; Wolf, M.: Surface States and Adsorbate-Induced Electronic Structure. In: Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol. 2, pp. 115 - 154 (Eds. Bovensiepen, U.; Petek, H.; Wolf, M.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2012)
Book Chapter
Stähler, J.; Bovensiepen, U.; Wolf, M.: Electron dynamics at polar molecule-metal interfaces: Competition between localization, solvation, and transfer. In: Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol. I: Current Developments, 1. Ed. Ed., pp. 359 - 379 (Eds. Bovensiepen, U.; Petek, H.; Wolf, M.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2010)
Book Chapter
Hertel, T.; Knoesel, E.; Wolf, M.; Ertl, G.: Time-Resolved Two-Color Photoelectron Spectroscopy at Bare and Adsorbate Covered Metal Surfaces. In: Ultrafast Phenomena X, 1 Ed., pp. 448 - 449 (Eds. Barbara, P. F.; Fujimoto, J. G.; Knox, W. H.; Zinth, W.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1996)
Book Chapter
Hasselbrink, E.; Nettesheim, S.; Wolf, M.; Cassuto; Ertl, G.: Substrate Mediated Photodissociation of NO2/N2O4 Adsorbed on Pd(111). In: Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop, Gloggnitz, Austria, October 2–4, 1989, Vol. 19, pp. 75 - 79 (Eds. Betz, G.; Varga, P.). Springer, Berlin (1990)

Proceedings (2)

Nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy of magnetically ordered solids. 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2009), Busan, Korea, September 21, 2009 - September 25, 2009. (2009), 2 pp.
Femtosecond laser-induced processes: ultrafast dynamics and reaction pathways for O2/Pd(111) (Proceedings Volume 2125, Laser Techniques for Surface Science, 2125). OE/LASE '94, Los Angeles, CA, United States, January 23, 1994 - January 29, 1994. (1994), 9 pp.
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