Publications of Amreesh Chandra
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
3 (5), pp. 5029 - 5037 (2018)
Cerium-Doped Copper(II) Oxide Hollow Nanostructures as Efficient and Tunable Sensors for Volatile Organic Compounds. ACS Omega 2.
Journal Article
28 (7), 075601 (2017)
Evolution of hollow nanostructures in hybrid Ce1-xCuxO2 under droplet confinement leading to synergetic effects on the physical properties. Nanotechnology 3.
Journal Article
7 (45), pp. 19250 - 19258 (2015)
A new approach for crystallization of copper(II) oxide hollow nanostructures with superior catalytic and magnetic response. Nanoscale 4.
Journal Article
128 (5), pp. 2857 - 2864 (2013)
Dielectric relaxation studies of low thermal expansion polymer composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 5.
Journal Article
115 (5), pp. 2663 - 2667 (2010)
P-V-T Measurements on PMMA: PbTiO3 Polymer-Ceramic Composites with Tunable Thermal Expansion. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 6.
Journal Article
292 (3), pp. 295 - 301 (2007)
Modifying thermal expansion of polymer composites by blending with a negative thermal expansion material. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 7.
Journal Article
90 (14), 142903 (2007)
Phase transition in disordered ferroelectric ceramic Pb0.70Ca0.30TiO3 under pressure. Applied Physics Letters 8.
Journal Article
7 (9), pp. 1584 - 1589 (2007)
Crystal perfection in zinc oxide with occluded carboxyl-functionalized latex particles. Crystal Growth & Design 9.
Journal Article
76 (22), 224109 (2007)
High-temperature relaxor ferroelectric behavior in Pr-doped SrTiO3. Physical Review B 10.
Journal Article
12 (6), pp. 349 - 352 (2006)
Ionic noise measurement in polymer electrolytes. Ionics