Publications of Diego Díaz
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
14 (1), 10640 (2024)
Control of spontaneous charging of sliding water drops by plasma-surface treatment. Scientific Reports 2.
Journal Article
3 (1), e103 (2024)
Chemically robust superhydrophobic surfaces with a self‐replenishing nanoscale liquid coating. Droplet 3.
Journal Article
35 (1), 017111 (2023)
Self-generated electrostatic forces of drops rebounding from hydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids 4.
Journal Article
1 (2), pp. 214 - 222 (2022)
Enhanced condensation heat transfer by water/ethanol binary liquids on polydimethylsiloxane brushes. Droplet 5.
Journal Article
18 (8), pp. 1628 - 1635 (2022)
Charging of drops impacting onto superhydrophobic surfaces. Soft Matter 6.
Journal Article
606 (1), pp. 57 - 66 (2022)
How water wets and self-hydrophilizes nanopatterns of physisorbed hydrocarbons. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Charge separation of bouncing water drops on hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2023)