
Publications of Stephanie Maier

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Abed, R. M. M.; Tamm, A.; Hassenrueck, C.; Al-Rawahi, A. N.; Rodriguez-Caballero, E.; Fiedler, S.; Maier, S.; Weber, B.: Habitat-dependent composition of bacterial and fungal communities in biological soil crusts from Oman. Scientific Reports 9, 6468 (2019)
Journal Article
Fernandez-Brime, S.; Muggia, L.; Maier, S.; Grube, M.; Wedin, M.: Bacterial communities in an optional lichen symbiosis are determined by substrate, not algal photobionts. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95 (3), UNSP fiz012 (2019)