Publications of Olga Koshkina
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
14 (1), pp. 2275 - 2290 (2022)
Surface Properties of Colloidal Particles Affect Colloidal Self-Assembly in Evaporating Self-Lubricating Ternary Droplets. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2.
Journal Article
15 (3), pp. 4256 - 4267 (2021)
Particle Size Determines the Shape of Supraparticles in Self-Lubricating Ternary Droplets. ACS Nano 3.
Journal Article
565, pp. 278 - 287 (2020)
Nanoparticles for "two color" F-19 magnetic resonance imaging: Towards e combined imaging of biodistribution and degradation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 4.
Journal Article
12 (44), pp. 49335 - 49345 (2020)
Continuous-Flow Production of Perfluorocarbon-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles: From the Bench to Clinic. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5.
Journal Article
261, 120307 (2020)
In vivo clearance of 19F MRI imaging nanocarriers is strongly influenced by nanoparticle ultrastructure. Biomaterials Conference Report (1)
Conference Report
Controlled Synthesis of Perfluorocarbon-loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles for 19F MRI: from the Bench towards the Clinics. Molecular Imaging Symposium 2019 (MoBi2019), European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI), Münster, September 26, 2019 - September 27, 2019. (submitted)