Publications of Bikram Keshari Agrawalla
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
8 (17), 1900665 (2019)
Supramolecular Toxin Complexes for Targeted Pharmacological Modulation of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Functions. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2.
Journal Article
29 (1), pp. 29 - 34 (2018)
Chemoselective Dual Labeling of Native and Recombinant Proteins. Bioconjugate Chemistry 3.
Journal Article
54 (83), pp. 11797 - 11800 (2018)
Encoding function into polypeptide-oligonucleotide precision biopolymers. Chemical Communications 4.
Journal Article
139 (6), pp. 2512 - 2519 (2017)
Mitochondria Targeted Protein-Ruthenium Photosensitizer for Efficient Photodynamic Applications. Journal of the American Chemical Society