Publications of Paulo A. Netz
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
146 (3), 034904 (2017)
Effects of stereochemistry and copolymerization on the LCST of PNIPAm. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2.
Journal Article
144 (17), 174106 (2016)
C-IBI: Targeting cumulative coordination within an iterative protocol to derive coarse-grained models of (multi-component) complex fluids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 3.
Journal Article
145 (23), 234101 (2016)
Adaptive resolution simulation of oligonucleotides. The Journal of Chemical Physics 4.
Journal Article
120 (27), pp. 6479 - 6489 (2016)
Stability of a Split Streptomycin Binding Aptamer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 5.
Journal Article
11 (44), pp. 8599 - 8604 (2015)
Why does high pressure destroy co-non-solvency of PNIPAm in aqueous methanol? Soft Matter