Publications of Cristina Greco
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
126 (11), pp. 2285 - 2298 (2022)
Mesoscopic Modeling of a Highly-Ordered Sanidic Polymer Mesophase and Comparison With Experimental Data. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2.
Journal Article
52 (3), pp. 968 - 981 (2019)
Generic Model for Lamellar Self-Assembly in Conjugated Polymers: Linking Mesoscopic Morphology and Charge Transport in P3HT. Macromolecules 3.
Journal Article
45 (13-15), pp. 2361 - 2375 (2018)
Structural insights into the twist-bend nematic phase from the integration of H-2-NMR data and modelling: CB7CB and CB6OCB as case studies. Liquid Crystals 4.
Journal Article
30 (3), pp. 748 - 761 (2018)
Temperature-Dependence of Persistence Length Affects Phenomenological Descriptions of Aligning Interactions in Nematic Semiconducting Polymers. Chemistry of Materials 5.
Journal Article
9 (2), 48 (2017)
Thermodynamics of a Compressible Maier-Saupe Model Based on the Self-Consistent Field Theory of Wormlike Polymer. Polymers 6.
Journal Article
145 (18), 184901 (2016)
Maier-Saupe model of polymer nematics: Comparing free energies calculated with Self Consistent Field theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 7.
Journal Article
115 (14 ), 147801 (2015)
Entropy-Driven Chiral Order in a System of Achiral Bent Particles. Physical Review Letters Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Temperature dependence of persistence length affects top-down descriptions of aligning interactions in nematic conjugated polymers. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, (256), 622. 256th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Beyond, Boston, MA, August 19, 2018 - August 23, 2018. (2018)