
Publications of J. Steinkamp

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Elbert, W.; Weber, B.; Burrows, S.; Steinkamp, J.; Büdel, B.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöschl, U.: Contribution of cryptogamic covers to the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen. Nature Geoscience 5 (7), pp. 459 - 462 (2012)
Journal Article
Steinkamp, J.; Lawrence, M. G.: Improvement and evaluation of simulated global biogenic soil NO emissions in an AC-GCM. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (12), pp. 6063 - 6082 (2011)
Journal Article
Steinkamp, J.; Ganzeveld, L. N.; Wilcke, W.; Lawrence, M. G.: Influence of modelled soil biogenic NO emissions on related trace gases and the atmospheric oxidizing efficiency. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (8), pp. 2663 - 2677 (2009)
Journal Article
Lawrence, M. G.; Butler, T. M.; Steinkamp, J.; Gurjar, B. R.; Lelieveld, J.: Regional pollution potentials of megacities and other major population centers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (14), pp. 3969 - 3987 (2007)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Steinkamp, J.: Global simulated soil biogenic nitric oxide (NO) emissions: Impact, improvement and innovation. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2011)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Steinkamp, J.: Globale Stickstoffmonoxid-Emissionen aus dem Boden: Literaturauswertung und Evaluierung des Modells ECHAM5/MESSy. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2007)
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