Publications of R. Boehler
All genres
Journal Article (68)
Journal Article
285 (1999)
(Mg,Fe)SiO3-Perovskite stability and lower mantle conditions. Science 62.
Journal Article
398, pp. 604 - 607 (1999)
Partitioning of nickel and cobalt between silicate perovskite and metal at pressures up to 80 GPa. Nature 63.
Journal Article
400, pp. 340 - 342 (1999)
Synthesis of cubic silicon nitride. Nature 64.
Journal Article
7, pp. 86 - 91 (1998)
New developments in diamond-cell research. Review of High Pressure Science and Technology 65.
Journal Article
62 A, pp. 624 - 625 (1998)
High pressure reactions between metals and silicates: implications for the light element in the core and core-mantle interactions. Mineralogical Magazine 66.
Journal Article
280, pp. 2093 - 2095 (1998)
(MgFe)Si03-Perovskite stability under lower mantle conditions. Science 67.
Journal Article
25, pp. 193 - 196 (1998)
The transition of pyrope to perovskite. Physical Chemical Minerals 68.
Journal Article
281, pp. 243 - 246 (1998)
Solidus of Earth's deep mantle. Science Book Chapter (8)
Book Chapter
Properties of rocks and minerals – High-pressure melting. In: Treatise in Geophysics, Volume 2, Mineral Physics, pp. 527 - 541 (Eds. Price, G. D.; Schubert, G.). Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam (2007)
Book Chapter
Diamonds as optical windows to extreme conditions. In: EMU Notes in Mineralogy Vol. 7: Mineral behaviour at extreme conditions, pp. 217 - 224 (Ed. Miletich, R.). Eötvös University Press, Budapest (2006)
Book Chapter
Laser heating at megabar pressures: Melting temperatures of iron and other transition metals. In: EMU Notes in Mineralogy Vol. 7: Mineral behaviour at extreme conditions, pp. 273 - 280 (Ed. Miletich, R.). Eötvös University Press, Budapest (2006)
Book Chapter
Core-mantle phase relations. In: Proceedings of the AIRAPT-17 "Science and Technology of High Pressure", pp. 49 - 51 (Eds. Manghnani, M. H.; Nellis, W. J.; Nicol, M. F.). Universities Press, Hyderabad (2000)
Book Chapter
High pressure geochemistry in the diamond cell to 100 GPa and 3300 K. In: Proceedings of the AIRAPT-17 "Science and Technology of High Pressure", pp. 609 - 611 (Eds. Manghnani, M. H.; Nellis, W. J.; Nicol, M. F.). Universities Press, Hyderabad (2000)
Book Chapter
A new cubic silicon nitride phase. In: Proceedings of the AIRAPT-17 "Science and Technology of High Pressure", pp. 914 - 917 (Eds. Manghnani, M. H.; Nellis, W. J.; Nicol, M. F.). Universities Press, Hyderabad (2000)
Book Chapter
Phase transitions and material synthesis using the CO2-laser heating technique in a diamond cell. In: Handbook of Ceramic Hard Materials, pp. 41 - 65 (Ed. Riedel, R.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2000)
Book Chapter
CO2-Laser heating in a diamond cell to 80 GPa and 5000 K: phase transitions and synthesis under controlled conditions. In: Proceedings of the 5th NIRIM International Symposium on Advanced Materials, ISAM'98, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 5 - 8. National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Tsukuba (1998)
Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
Single-crystals of a new carbon nitride phase with all-sp3 carbon. In: Materials Research at High Pressure, 0987-PP01-06 (Eds. Goncharov; A.; Bini; R.; Manaa, R. et al.). Materials Research Society Fall Meeting. Symposium PP "Materials Research at High Pressure", Boston, Mass., November 27, 2006 - November 28, 2006. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA (2007)
Conference Paper
Earth's core and lower mantle: Phase behavior, melting, and chemical interactions. In: High Pressure Phenomena. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course CXLVII., pp. 627 - 641 (Eds. Hemley, R. J.; Chiarotti, G. L.; Bernasconi, M.; Ulivi, L.). International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course CXLVII, Varenna on Lake Como, July 03, 2001 - July 13, 2001. IOS Press, Amsterdam (2002)
Conference Paper
The laser-heated diamond cell: High P-T phase diagrams. In: High Pressure Phenomena. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course CXLVII., pp. 55 - 72 (Eds. Hemley, R. J.; Chiarotti, G. L.; Bernasconi, M.; Ulivi, L.). International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course CXLVII, Varenna on Lake Como, July 03, 2001 - July 13, 2001. IOS Press, Amsterdam (2002)