Publications of Rüdiger Bunk
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
5 (1), pp. 121 - 135 (2019)
Microbial community responses determine how soil-atmosphere exchange of carbonyl sulfide, carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide responds to soil moisture. Soil 2.
Journal Article
122 (6), pp. 1343 - 1358 (2017)
Exchange of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) between soils and atmosphere under various CO2 concentrations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Influence of environmental factors on biosphere-atmosphere exchange of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) with special focus on elevated CO2-levels and soils. Dissertation, Universität, Mainz (2017)
Thesis - Diploma (1)
Thesis - Diploma
Austausch von Carbonylsulfid (OCS) zwischen Vegetation und Atmosphäre Messungen mit einer neuartigen Laserabsorptionsmethode. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2013)
Working Paper (2)
Working Paper
Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) exchange between soils and the atmosphere affected by soil moisture and compensation points. Biogeosciences Discussions 15 (2018), 29 pp.
Working Paper
Reviews and syntheses: carbonyl sulfide as a multi-scale tracer for carbon and water cycles. Biogeosciences Discussions 14 (2017)