Publications of Ralf Weigel
All genres
Journal Article (17)
Journal Article
21 (19), pp. 15259 - 15282 (2021)
The Asian tropopause aerosol layer within the 2017 monsoon anticyclone: microphysical properties derived from aircraft-borne in situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
Journal Article
21 (17), pp. 13455 - 13481 (2021)
In situ observation of new particle formation (NPF) in the tropical tropopause layer of the 2017 Asian monsoon anticyclone – Part 2: NPF inside ice clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
Journal Article
54, 101429 (2021)
Automatic shape detection of ice crystals. Journal of Computational Science 4.
Journal Article
21 (15), pp. 11689 - 11722 (2021)
In situ observation of new particle formation (NPF) in the tropical tropopause layer of the 2017 Asian monsoon anticyclone – Part 1: Summary of StratoClim results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5.
Journal Article
21 (2), pp. 989 - 1013 (2021)
Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68° N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
Journal Article
20 (24), pp. 15585 - 15616 (2020)
Reappraising the appropriate calculation of a common meteorological quantity: potential temperature. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
Journal Article
18, pp. 4439 - 4462 (2018)
Comparing airborne and satellite retrievals of cloud optical thickness and particle effective radius using a spectral radiance ratio technique: two case studies for cirrus and deep convective clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
Journal Article
13 (18), pp. 9233 - 9268 (2013)
Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions (RECONCILE): activities and results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
Journal Article
12 (3), pp. 1353 - 1365 (2012)
ClOOCl photolysis at high solar zenith angles: analysis of the RECONCILE self-match flight. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
Journal Article
11, pp. 13047 - 13059 (2011)
Seasonal variations in aerosol particle composition at the puy-de-Dôme research station in France. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11.
Journal Article
11 (12), pp. 5569 - 5590 (2011)
In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12.
Journal Article
11, pp. 241 - 256 (2011)
Evidence for heterogeneous chlorine activation in the tropical UTLS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
Journal Article
11 (18), pp. 9983 - 10010 (2011)
In situ observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere: the role of clouds and the nucleation mechanism. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14.
Journal Article
10 (12), pp. 5573 - 5592 (2010)
Aerosols in the tropical and subtropical UT/LS: in-situ measurements of submicron particle abundance and volatility. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15.
Journal Article
9 (18), pp. 6775 - 6792 (2009)
Evidence for ice particles in the tropical stratosphere from in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16.
Journal Article
2, pp. 243 - 258 (2009)
Experimental characterization of the COndensation PArticle counting System for high altitude aircraft borne application. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 17.
Journal Article
5, pp. 3053 - 3069 (2005)
Observations of meteoric material and implications for aerosol nucleation in the winter Arctic lower stratosphere derived from in situ particle measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Ultrafeine Aerosolpartikel in der Stratosphäre: Charakterisierung eines Kondensationskernzählers und in-situ-Messungen in polaren, mittleren und tropischen Breiten. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2005)
Working Paper (4)
Working Paper
In-Situ observation of New Particle Formation in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere of the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Working Paper
Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68° N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)