Publications of Ernst Bamberg
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Journal Article (222)
Journal Article
436 (5), 168447 (2024)
Vibrational Study of the Inward Proton Pump Xenorhodopsin NsXeR: Switch Order Determines Vectoriality. Journal of Molecular Biology 2.
Journal Article
53 (7), pp. 3327 - 3349 (2024)
Intracellular microbial rhodopsin-based optogenetics to control metabolism and cell signaling. Chemical Society Reviews 3.
Journal Article
15 (1), 65 (2024)
Hijacking of internal calcium dynamics by intracellularly residing viral rhodopsins. Nature Communications 4.
Journal Article
145 (40), pp. 21832 - 21840 (2023)
Assessing the Role of R120 in the Gating of Cr ChR2 by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy from Femtoseconds to Seconds. Journal of the American Chemical Society 5.
Journal Article
22 (8), pp. 1809 - 1823 (2023)
Functional characterization of xanthorhodopsin in Salinivibrio socompensis, a novel halophile isolated from modern stromatolites. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 6.
Journal Article
30 (7), pp. 970 - 979 (2023)
Mechanisms of inward transmembrane proton translocation. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 7.
Journal Article
6, 88 (2023)
Mirror proteorhodopsins. Communications Chemistry 8.
Journal Article
13, 6460 (2022)
Structural insights into light-driven anion pumping in cyanobacteria. Nature Communications 9.
Journal Article
29 (5), pp. 440 - 450 (2022)
True-atomic-resolution insights into the structure and functional role of linear chains and low-barrier hydrogen bonds in proteins. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 10.
Journal Article
60 (42), pp. 23010 - 23017 (2021)
The voltage dependent sidedness of the reprotonation of the retinal Schiff base determines the unique inward pumping of Xenorhodopsin. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 11.
Journal Article
4 (1), 821 (2021)
Structure-based insights into evolution of rhodopsins. Communications Biology 12.
Journal Article
11, 5707 (2020)
Viral rhodopsins 1 are an unique family of light-gated cation channels. Nature Communications 13.
Journal Article
117 (34), pp. 20920 - 20925 (2020)
Channelrhodopsin-mediated optogenetics highlights a central role of depolarization-dependent plant proton pumps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 14.
Journal Article
11, 2137 (2020)
Molecular mechanism of light-driven sodium pumping. Nature Communications 15.
Journal Article
117 (8), pp. 4131 - 4141 (2020)
High-resolution structural insights into the heliorhodopsin family. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 16.
Journal Article
10, 4939 (2019)
Unique structure and function of viral rhodopsins. Nature Communications 17.
Journal Article
5, eaav2671 (2019)
Structure and mechanisms of sodium-pumping KR2 rhodopsin. Science Advances 18.
Journal Article
9, 1750 (2018)
High frequency neural spiking and auditory signaling by ultrafast red-shifted optogenetics. Nature Communications 19.
Journal Article
358 (6366), eaan8862, p. 1018 (2017)
Structural insights into ion conduction by channelrhodopsin 2. Science 20.
Journal Article
25 (11), pp. 2546 - 2560 (2017)
A New Promoter Allows Optogenetic Vision Restoration with Enhanced Sensitivity in Macaque Retina. Molecular Therapy