Publications of E. Bamberg

Conference Paper (9)

Conference Paper
Bamberg, E.; Benz, R.; Läuger, P.; Stark, G.: Carrier and Pore Mechanisms in Lipid Membranes. In: Biochemistry of Sensory Functions, pp. 331 - 350 (Ed. Jaenicke, L.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1974)

Conference Report (1)

Conference Report
Fendler, K.; Froehlich, J.; Jaruschewski, S.; Hobbs, A.; Albers, W.; Bamberg, E.; Grell, E.: Correlation of Charge Translocation with the Reaction Cycle of the NaK-ATPase. In: The Sodium Pump: Recent Developments, Vol. 46 Part 2, pp. 525 - 530 (Eds. Kaplan, J. H.; De Weer, P.). 6th International Conference on the Sodium Pump, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 05, 1990 - September 09, 1990. The Rockefeller University Press, New York (1991)

Poster (2)

Geys, S.; Zifarelli, G.; Bamberg, E.; Friedrich, T.: The Influence of Intracellular Na+ on the E1P–E2P Conformational Change of the Na,K-ATPase Probed by Voltage-clamp Fluorometry. 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Physiologists, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Massachusetts (2005)
Zifarelli, G.; Geibel, S.; Bamberg, E.; Friedrich, T.: Influence of cations on the E1P-E2P conformational change of the Na,K-ATPase probed by voltage clamp fluorometry. 47th Annual Meeting , Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA (2003)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Bamberg, E.: Licht steuert Nervenzellen mit höchster Präzision: die Optogenetik revolutioniert die Neurowissenschaften. Forschung Frankfurt: Wissenschaftsmagazin der Goethe-Universität 33 (2) pp. 42 - 45 (2015), 4 pp.

Editorial (1)

Bamberg, E.; Gärtner, W.; Trauner, D.: Introduction: Optogenetics and Photopharmacology. Chemical Reviews 118 (21), pp. 10627 - 10628 (2018)
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