Publications of E. Bamberg

Journal Article (222)

Journal Article
Bamberg, E.; Läuger, P.: Channel formation kinetics of gramicidin A in lipid bilayer membranes. Journal of Membrane Biology 11 (1), pp. 177 - 194 (1973)
Journal Article
Walz, D.; Bamberg, E.; Läuger, P.: Nonlinear electrical effects in lipid bilayer membranes. I. Ion injection. Biophysical Journal 9 (9), pp. 1150 - 1159 (1969)

Book (1)

Bamberg, E.; Schoner, W. (Eds.): The Sodium Pump. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994), 906 pp.

Book Chapter (9)

Book Chapter
Alekseev, A.; Gordeliy, V.; Bamberg, E.: Rhodopsin-Based Optogenetics: Basics and Applications. In: Rhodopsin: Methods and Protocols, pp. 71 - 100 (Ed. Gordeliy, V.). Springer, New York (2022)
Book Chapter
Gordeliy, V.; Kovalev, K.; Bamberg, E.; Rodriguez-Valera, F.; Zinovev, E.; Zabelskii, D.; Alekseev, A.; Rosselli, R.; Gushchin, I.; Okhrimenko, I.: Microbial Rhodopsins. In: Rhodopsin: Methods and Protocols, pp. 1 - 52 (Ed. Gordeliy, V.). Springer, New York (2022)
Book Chapter
Fendler, K.; Klingenberg, M.; Leblanc, G.; DePont, J. J. H.H.M.; Kelety, B.; Dörner, W.; Bamberg, E.: Transport Proteins on Solid-Supported Membranes: From Basic Research to Drug Discovery. In: Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (Methods and Applications), Vol. 2, pp. 331 - 349 (Ed. Vladimir M., V. M.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
Book Chapter
Fendler, K.; Hartung, K.; Nagel, G.; Bamberg, E.: Investigation of charge translocation by ion pumps and carriers using caged substrates. In: Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 291, pp. 289 - 306 (Ed. Marriott, G.). Academic Press (1998)
Book Chapter
Fendler, K.; Jaruschewski, S.; Froehlich, J. P.; Albers, W.; Bamberg, E.: Electrogenic and electroneutral partial reactions in Na+/K+ ATPase from eel electric organ. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 495 - 506 (Eds. Bamberg, E.; Schoner, W.). Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Warmuth, R.; Gersch, B.; Kastenholz, F.; Lehn, J.-M.; Bamberg, E.; Grell, E.: Caged Na+ and K+ ligands: photochemical properties, application for membrane transport studies and selective fluorimetric detection of alkali ions. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 621 - 624 (Eds. Bamberg, E.; Schoner, W.). Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Bamberg, E.; Butt, H.-J.; Tittor, J.; Oesterhelt, D.: Electrical Currents of the light driven Pump Bacteriorhodopsin. The Role of Asp 85 and Asp 96 on Proton Translocation. In: Electrified Interfaces in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Vol. 355, pp. 533 - 549 (Ed. Guidelli, R.). Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht (1992)
Book Chapter
Bamberg, E.; Fahr, A.; Szabo, G.: Photoelectric properties of the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin. In: Electrogenic Transport: Fundamental Principles and Physiological Implications (Eds. Blaustein, M. P.; Liebermann, M.). Raven Press, New York (1984)
Book Chapter
Neumcke, B.; Bamberg, E.: The action of uncouplers on lipid bilayer membranes. In: Membranes - A Series of Advances, Vol. 3, pp. 215 - 253 (Ed. Eisenman, G.). Dekker, New York (1975)

Conference Paper (9)

Conference Paper
Heberle, J.; Lorenz-Fonfria, V.; Resler, T.; Schultz, B.; Schlesinger, R.; Bamann, C.; Bamberg, E.: Molecular mechanism of channelrhodopsin. 20th European Bioenergetics Conference , Budapest, Hungary, August 25, 2018 - August 30, 2018. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1859, e27, (2018)
Conference Paper
Terpitz, U.; Raimunda, D.; Zhou, A.; Feldbauer, K.; Sukhorukov, V.; Beauge, L.; Bamberg, E.; Zimmermann, D.: Giant cells obtained by electrofusion: a novel heterologeous expression system. 6th EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Imperial College London, July 14, 2007 - July 18, 2007. European Biophysics Journal 36 (Supplement 1), p. S152 - S152 (2007)
Conference Paper
Eisenrauch, A.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.: Voltage dependence of the Na+K+-ATPase incorporated into planar lipid membranes. In: The Sodium Pump: Structure, Mechanism, and Regulation, Vol. 46 Part 1, pp. 317 - 326 (Eds. Kaplan, J. H.; De Weer, P.). 6th International Sodium Pump Meeting , Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 05, 1990 - September 09, 1990. The Rockefeller University Press, New York (1991)
Conference Paper
Fendler, K.; Nagel, G.; Bamberg, E.: Pump Currents Generated by Renal Na+K+-ATPase on Black Lipid Membranes. Proceedings of the First Shoresh Workshop on Ion Pumps, Shoresh, Israel, August 30, 1987 - September 02, 1987. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 273, pp. 225 - 232 (1988)
Conference Paper
Fendler, K.; van der Hijden, H. T.W.M.; Nagel, G.; de Pont, J. J. H.H.M.; Bamberg, E.: Pump Currents Generated by Renal Na+K+-ATPase and Gastric H+K+-ATPase on Black Lipid Membranes. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Na+K+-ATPase, Fuglsø Conference Center, Denmark, June 14, 1987 - June 19, 1987. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 268A, pp. 501 - 510 (1988)
Conference Paper
Bamberg, E.; Dér, A.; Fendler, K.; Hegemann, P.; Oesterhelt, D.: Electrical properties of the light driven Cl- pump halorhodopsin. In: Retinal Proteins, pp. 363 - 379 (Ed. Ovchinnikov, Y.A.). Proceedings of an International Conference on Retinal Proteins, Irkutsk, (Lake Baikal) USSR, July 22, 1986 - July 28, 1986. VNU Science Press, Utrecht, The Netherlands (1987)
Conference Paper
Reinhardt, R.; Janko, K.; Bamberg, E.: Single Channel Conductance Changes of the Desethanolamine-Gramicidin Through pH Variations. In: Electrical Double Layers Biology, pp. 91 - 102 (Ed. Blank, M.). Electrochemical Society Symposium on Electrical Double Layers in Biology, Toronto, Canada, May 14, 1986 - May 15, 1986. Plenum Press, New York, USA (1986)
Conference Paper
Alpes, H.; Apell, H.-J.; Bamberg, E.; Benz, R.; Janko, K.; Läuger, P.; Stark, G.: Field-driven ion transport through lipid bilayer membranes. In: Light-induced Charge Separat Ion in Biology and Chemistry - Dahlem Konferenzen: report of the Dahlem Workshop on Light-Induced Charge Separation at Interfaces in Biological and Chemical Systems, Berlin 1978, Oct. 16 - 20, pp. 219 - 239 (Eds. Gerischer, H.; Katz, J.J.). Verl. Chemie, Weinheim (1979)
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