Publications of Tina Lüdecke

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Lüdecke, T.; Leichliter, J. N.; Stratford, D.; Sigman, D. M.; Vonhof, H.; Haug, G. H.; Bamford, M. K.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Australopithecus at Sterkfontein did not consume substantial mammalian meat. Science 387 (6731), pp. 309 - 314 (2025)
Journal Article
Comans, C. M.; Smart, S. M.; Kast, E. R.; Lu, Y.; Lüdecke, T.; Leichliter, J. N.; Sigman, D. M.; Ikejiri, T.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Enameloid-bound δ15N reveals large trophic separation among Late Cretaceous sharks in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Geobiology 22 (1), e12585 (2024)
Journal Article
Moretti, S.; Duprey, N. N.; Foreman, A. D.; Arns, A.; Brömme, S.; Jung, J.; Ai, X. E.; Auderset, A.; Bieler, A. L.; Eck, C. et al.; Farmer, J.; Hinnenberg, B.; Lacerra, M.; Leichliter, J.; Lüdecke, T.; Oleynik , S.; Rubach, F.; Schmitt, M.; Vink, M.; Wald, T.; Yehudai, M.; Sigman , D. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Analytical improvements and assessment of long-term performance of the oxidation-denitrifier method. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 38 (1), e9650 (2024)
Journal Article
Bobe, R.; Aldeias, V.; Alemseged, Z.; Anemone, R. L.; Archer, W.; Aumaître, G.; Bamford, M. K.; Biro, D.; Bourlès, D. L.; Doyle Boyd, M. et al.; Braun, D. R.; Capelli, C.; d’Oliveira Coelho, J.; Habermann, J. M.; Head, J. J.; Keddadouche, K.; Kupczik, K.; Lebatard, A.-E.; Lüdecke, T.; Macôa, A.; Martínez, F. I.; Mathe, J.; Mendes, C.; Paulo, L. M.; Pinto, M.; Presnyakova, D.; Püschel, T. A.; Regala, F. T.; Sier, M.; Ferreira da Silva, M. J.; Stalmans, M.; Carvalho, S.: The first Miocene fossils from coastal woodlands in the southern East African Rift. iScience 26 (9), 107644 (2023)
Journal Article
Leichliter, J. N.; Lüdecke, T.; Foreman, A. D.; Bourgon, N.; Duprey, N. N.; Vonhof, H.; Souksavatdy, V.; Bacon, A.-M.; Sigman, D. M.; Tütken, T. et al.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Tooth enamel nitrogen isotope composition records trophic position: A tool for reconstructing food webs. Communications Biology 6, 373 (2023)
Journal Article
Jaouen, K.; Tütken, T.; Bourgon, N.; Lüdecke, T.; Smith, G. M.; Salazar-García, D. C.; Hublin, J.-J.; Villalba-Mouco, V.; Méjean, P.: Reply to Ben-Dor and Barkai: A low Zn isotope ratio is not equal to a low Zn content. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (6), e2218491120 (2023)
Journal Article
Kubat, J.; Nava, A.; Bondioli, L.; Dean, M. C.; Zanolli, C.; Bourgon, N.; Bacon, A.-M.; Demeter, F.; Peripoli, B.; Albert, R. et al.; Lüdecke, T.; Hertler, C.; Mahoney, P.; Kullmer, O.; Schrenk, F.; Mueller, W.: Dietary strategies of Pleistocene Pongo sp. and Homo erectus on Java (Indonesia). Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (2023)
Journal Article
Lüdecke, T.; Leichliter, J. N.; Aldeias, V.; Bamford, M. K.; Biro, D.; Braun, D. R.; Capelli, C.; Cybulski, J. D.; Duprey, N. N.; Ferreira da Silva, M. J. et al.; Foreman, A. D.; Habermann, J. M.; Haug, G. H.; Martínez, F. I.; Mathe, J.; Mulch, A.; Sigman , D. M.; Vonhof, H.; Bobe, R.; Carvalho, S.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen stable isotopes in modern tooth enamel: A case study from Gorongosa National Park, central Mozambique. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 2022.958032 (2022)
Journal Article
Martinez-Garcia, A.; Jung, J.; Ai, X. E.; Sigman, D. M.; Auderset, A.; Duprey, N. N.; Foreman, A.; Fripiat, F.; Leichliter, J.; Lüdecke, T. et al.; Moretti, S.; Wald, T.: Laboratory Assessment of the Impact of Chemical Oxidation, Mineral Dissolution, and Heating on the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Fossil-Bound Organic Matter. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (8), e2022GC010396 (2022)
Journal Article
Kast, E. R.; Griffiths, M. L.; Kim, S. L.; Rao, Z. C.; Shimada, K.; Becker, M. A.; Maisch, H. M.; Eagle, R. A.; Clarke, C. A.; Neumann, A. N. et al.; Karnes, M. E.; Lüdecke, T.; Leichliter, J. N.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Akhtar, A. A.; Wang, X. T.; Haug, G. H.; Sigman, D. M.: Cenozoic megatooth sharks occupied extremely high trophic positions. Science Advances 8 (25), eabl6529 (2022)
Journal Article
Santander, C.; Molinaro, L.; Mutti, G.; Martinez I, F.; Mathe, J.; da Ferreira Silva, M. J.; Caldon, M.; Oteo-Garcia, G.; Aldeias, V.; Archer, W. et al.; Bamford, M.; Biro, D.; Bobe, R.; Braun, D. R.; Hammond, P.; Lüdecke, T.; Pinto, M. J.; Paulo, L. M.; Stalmans, M.; Regala, F. T.; Bertolini, F.; Moltke, I.; Raveane, A.; Pagani, L.; Carvalho, S.; Capelli, C.: Genomic variation in baboons from central Mozambique unveils complex evolutionary relationships with other Papio species. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22 (1), 44 (2022)
Journal Article
Rugenstein, J. K. C.; Methner, K.; Kukla, T.; Mulch, A.; Lüdecke, T.; Fiebig, J.; Meltzer, A.; Wegmann, K. W.; Zeitler, P.; Chamberlain, C. P.: Clumped isotope constraints on warming and precipitation seasonality in Mongolia following Altai uplift. American Journal of Science 322 (1), pp. 28 - 54 (2022)
Journal Article
Leichliter, J. N.; Lüdecke, T.; Foreman, A. D.; Duprey, N. N.; Winkler, D. E.; Kast, E. R.; Vonhof, H.; Sigman, D. M.; Haug, G. H.; Clauss, M. et al.; Tütken, T.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Nitrogen isotopes in tooth enamel record diet and trophic level enrichment: Results from a controlled feeding experiment. Chemical Geology 563, 120047 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Brömme, S.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Mathe, J.; Leichliter, J. N.; Vonhof, H.; Bobe, R.; Carvalho, S.; Lüdecke, T.: Inter- and intra-tooth variability in enamel-bound nitrogen isotopic composition of modern African mammals from Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. In Goldschmidt Lyon 2023. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, July 09, 2023 - July 14, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Caves Rugenstein, J. K.; Methner, K.; Kukla, T.; Mulch, A.; Lüdecke, T.; Fiebig, J.; Meltzer, A.; Wegmann, K. W.; Zeitler, P. K.; Chamberlain, C. P.: Precipitation seasonality, climate change, and late Neogene uplift in northern Central Asia (Invited). In AGU Fall Meeting 2022, T25B-05. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 12, 2022 - December 16, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Jaouen, K.; Mouco, V. V.; Smith, G.; Trost, M.; Leichliter, J.; Lüdecke, T.; Mejean, P.; Mandrou, S.; Chmeleff, J.; Guiserix, D. et al.; Bourgon, N.; Sancho, M. F. B.; Cardoso, J. M.; Cardoso, J. M.; Moubtahij, Z.; Garcia, D. S.; Richards, M.; Tütken, T.; Hublin, J.-J.; Utrilla, P.; Montes, L.: Contribution of Zn isotope ratios in the understanding of Neandertals subsistence strategy: a case study from Gabasa, Spain. In Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, July 11, 2022 - July 15, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Leichliter, J. N.; Lüdecke, T.; Foreman, A. D.; Kindler, L.; Tutken, T.; Tacail, T.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Nitrogen isotope analysis of 125,000-year-old tooth enamel from the Middle Palaeolithic Neanderthal site of Neumark-Nord 2, Germany. In American journal of biological anthropology, 177, p. 107 - 107. Program of the 91st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists , Denver, Co., March 23, 2022 - April 01, 2022. Wiley, Chichester (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Lüdecke, T.; Leichliter, J. N.; Duprey, N. N.; Stratford, D.; Vonhof, H. B.; Bamford, M. K.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: First enamel nitrogen isotope data of early hominins: Early Pleistocene Australopithecus (Sterkfontein Member 4, South Africa) did not consume significant amounts of animal resources. In American journal of biological anthropology, 177, pp. 111 - 112. Wiley, Chichester (2022)

Preprint (3)

da Silva, M. J. F.; Tralma, P.; Colmonero-Costeira, I.; Mota, M.; Farassi, R.; Hammond, P.; Lewis-Bevan, L.; Bamford, M. K.; Biro, D.; Lüdecke, T. et al.; Mathe, J.; Bobe, R.; Capelli, C.; Carvalho, S.; Martinez, F. I.: Sex-mediated gene flow of grayfoot chacma baboons (Papio ursinus griseipes) in a highly seasonal habitat in Gorongosa National Park. Research Square (2024)
Moretti, S.; Duprey, N. N.; Foreman, A. D.; Arns, A.; Brömme, S.; Jung, J.; Ai, X. E.; Auderset, A.; Bieler, A. L.; Eck, C. et al.; Farmer, J.; Hinnenberg, B.; Lacerra, M.; Leichliter, J.; Lüdecke, T.; Oleynik, S.; Rubach, F.; Schmitt, M.; Vink, M.; Wald, T.; Yehudai, M.; Sigman , D.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Analytical improvements and assessment of long-term performance of the oxidation-denitrifier method. Authorea (2023)
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